32) The great immigration debate

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You know those people who are lobbying to ban immigration? Yeah, well, they're twats because they actually have benefits for the economy.

Hear that, Nigel Farage? For those of you who don't know, Farage is the leader of the political party, UKIP and Farage is such a caring leader, that he wants to have every single non white deported out of the country.

Including me.

A much more peaceful solution than Hitler's, don't you think?

Back to immigration, I'm only referring to immigration in the UK.

There are some people out there who think that immigrants are a scourge on resources, taking up all the state benefits, taking up houses, places in schools and hospitals and so on.

Immigrants actually contribute more to the economy per head than the natives. Now, this is a GENERAL statistic so please don't start complaining about the Romanians next door who do take up state benefits.

And besides, where do you want us immigrants to live, on the streets? Immigrants are still people too, just in case you forgot and we do still need housing and health care and education.

The next argument is: they're taking over the country.

That's right. Apparently, ethnic minorities are now taking over the country.

Really? It depends on where you live. A town near where I live does have a lot of Asians and there's a city a but further away which has a lot of blacks. Does that mean they're taking over the country? No, you idiot.

It just means they're all gravitating to particular places, they aren't actually taking over the country.

Next argument: They take up all the jobs.

Yup, once more ethnic minorities are taking up all the jobs, aren't they?

The truth is a) they fill gaps in the job market. There are a lot of ethnic minorities in positions such as doctors as engineers because there aren't enough whites to do it. And b) at the other end of the spectrum, the immigrants also do the jobs the whites don't want to do, cleaning and labour and such.

Yes, I will admit, there is high unemployment but I think we can all agree that the economy would be a lot worse without the immigrants.

And there's: immigrants don't integrate.

You can't generalise all immigrants like that, many do integrate and for those who don't, it's usually a case of can't rather than don't want to. Some immigrants might know little to no English so they can't integrate. Maybe the community they're in is hostile towards them so they're intimidated. There are a lot of factors which go into why people don't integrate.

What else do people argue? Oh yeah, immigrants destroy British culture.

What British culture? Oh you mean the culture of having pies and sandwiches for dinner.

Oh I'm sorry, I had no idea that you secretly hated the curries, the pastas, the plethora of tasty foods that the immigrants brought along.

I'm sorry, would you like us to take it back?

Now that's just one part of British culture but the truth is, immigration has been a part of British culture for a long time, in fact since the 1950s.

Oh and this isn't an argument but let's think about this - it must be so easy for a person to basically pack their bags, say goodbye to their families and friends, unsure of when they'll see them again, fly out halfway across the world to a country where they don't know a soul and basically start their lives from scratch, right?

My parents did this back in the 90s and while now, we have Skype and smartphones where you can keep in touch with you families, back then, phones didn't even exist.

And millions of immigrants did this starting in the 50s and immigrants do it to this day.

So think next time before you start blaming immigrants for the country's problems.

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Later folks


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