16) Back to School

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I just finished my first week of school and I survived. Just about. The first week of school is always the hardest and here's a few reasons why:

Goddamned Mother Nature:

I don't know if any of you have ever noticed but the last week or 2 (or whole month, in my case) before school starts, the weather is absolutely miserable, it's raining, it's cold and it's windy and you basically cannot do any of the summer activities you plannned? Yeah, for some reason, Mother Nature just can't resist rubbing it into our faces even more because as soon as school starts, it's all nice and sunny and hot and summery weather. And, I'm basically sat inside a stuffy classroom, in my stupid uniform that clearly was designd by a human who had no idea that summer existed and staring out the window because the weather is just what I wanted during summer. Or more specifically, my summer holidays.

My school is the first to start in the entire stupid country:

My school started on the 1st of September. My school was the only one to start so early and it wasn't a very nice feeling when my brother woke up early just so he could piss me off about school. 

A great start to my first day of school. 


When you go to school you are always faced by the new teachers who didn't even know you existed before and they are suddenly very interested in us. And they ask us to introduce ourselves.

I mean, what am I supposed to say? I don't want to sound boring, or stupid or weird and then there's the added fact that I've known my classmates for 4 years now and it has to be something good. 

I mean, I hate saying lame stuff like : I like reading or I like sleeping or I have nothing to say. Everyone says that, you need something original, something the teacher will always remember about you. Because  I'm so sure that the teacher is going to remember the 15 girls who said: I like sleeping. Yup, absolutely positive. 

What summer homework?

We got assigned summer homework and obviously, nobody could be assed to do the damn homework including me so the moment you enter the class and the teacher asks: "right, has everyone got their homework?" You immediately panic and think of excuses because nobody wants to get in trouble on their first week of school. Unless you're a badass like me and turned up late to school because your mum's car wouldn't start. I know, I'm so badass I should be expelled.

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Later, folks


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