29) Annoying People on Instagram

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1) The selfies jackpot:

I swear, the only thing these people post on Instagram is a selfie. With only them. Look, I get it, you look great so you take a selfie and upload. And I don't mind just a few selfies but there are people who take it way too far.

A selfie before you get out of bed (and let's be honest here, you got out of bed, cleaned yourself up, put make up on and then you got back in bed and took a selfie, claiming you woke up like that.)

I totally believe you.

Then they have a selfie eating breakfast. Then they have another one working out. Then they have one eating lunch. And the list goes on and on and on.

I think you need to see a doctor over your selfie addiction. It's that bad.

2) The food teacher:

This person seems to think that we have no idea what a homemade burger looks like and feels the need to take a picture of it and post. They do this with everything they eat. I don't mind if you're taking a picture of something nice you made or something at the restaurant but I can guarantee, nobody is interested in what your mashed potato and beans looks like.

This affects people in real life too because us hungry beings must wait for you to finish taking a million snapshots of your food before we can even touch it.

3) The spammers:

We've all seen this before, regardless of whether you have Instagram or not:

Follow my page for a load of shit and garbage.

No one's interested in your fucking page so please, kindly go and break your phone.

4) The Haram police:

Haram means forbidden, by the way.

They basically go on all these hijabis' pages and say:

Your hair's showing at the front, that's not hijab.

Your trousers are too short, that's not hijab.
You have a tattoo on your arm, that's Haram.

And the list goes on and on and on... I get it, you're trying to help, whatever but let's face it, who's going to listen to some scrawny idiot on the Internet?

That's all the annoying people on Instagram I can think of right now, comment down below if you can think of any others and vote if you liked.

I'm out folks,


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