4) A couple of incidents

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Okay, an incident happened at my madrasa (evening Islamic school) yesterday which reminded me just how much of a pain in the ass nosy people are.

Basically, what happened is the headteacher gave half the girls in my class and some girls in the other classes a 2 hour detention on Sunday morning. Guess why? Because they were standing on the corner of the street, waiting for their friends to come. Not only has he punished them, he's punished all three of the girls' classes by making us leave later than everyone else.

All this fuss just because a bunch of girls were waiting for their friends.

Their friends.

They weren't doing anything dangerous, they weren't doing anything illegal yet they landed in a shitload of trouble. I blame the headteacher. 

His punishments are way too extreme. Once, he suspended a classmate for 3 days because she wasn't wearing the proper uniform. -_-. He even threatened to suspend me last year if I continued turning up lte on a regular basis. Serioulsy, dude? I turn up late by two minutes on most days and you threaten to suspend me? Isn't it bad enough your creepy helper is there to greet me? 

And his temper. Trust me folks, you do not want to get into his bad books. We can often hear him yelling in the basement when our class is in the attic.

Moving from on from that headteacher.

This incident reminds me of another incident that occuured a while ago where was the one who got in trouble.  

What happened was, me and my team were walking to a team member's house to do some work and half the group crossed the road. Me and two of my friends crossed the road separately and one of the vice principals came running upto us, yelling at us about how dangerous it was for us to cross the road at that time. He started taking down the names of the first group then, long story short, didn't believe me and my friends and took our names down as well. Do you know what he did with that list? He gave it to our head of year. Thank God she didn't do much with that piece of paper.  

What right did he have to do all that?!

It was after school and we were not on school grounds! Only my parents can tell me off for crossing the road dangerously, not some random old dude with with a weird accent and clothes who runs the school. 

This brings me onto this : nosy people.

These people cannot tell the difference between when they need to get invloved and when they shouldn't stick their noses in. I need all these people to be abducted by aliens so I can live a peaceful life without having random people interfere in my life and fuck it up even more than it is. 

Although that does mean half the world will be abdcuted. Good, then we won't have to share our apparently precious resources with those people.

I need to find a way to summon these aliens to Earth. I'll just ask Phineas and Ferb

Or will pyschological totrure work better?

I'll just end my rant here before I start thinking of gruesome ways to torture nosy people. Don't want to give anyone nightmares.

Vote if you hate nosy people just as much as I do

Comment below about your experiences with them and any possible forms of torture you have for them

Later, folks


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