The End

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That's right, folks.

I'm ending this rant book here. I apologise to the readers who will miss my rants but I just feel like my rants have run their course now. It's time for me to hang up my ranting shoes and make way for all the new ranters out there who do have a passion for ranting, just like I once had.

I don't know if any of you have noticed but I've been updating less and honestly? 

Its because I just don't have the drive for it now.  When I first started out, I loved ranting, I always made time for ranting but now, I can't do it anymore. I just don't want to do it anymore.

Not only that, but I don't even want to be on wattpad anymore. It's something I've been thinking about for a couple of months now and the only reason I stayed was for this rant book and for my friends. I don't read, write or socialise on here. Now I don't even have the rant book. I won't be deleting my account but I will be inactive, I suppose just like I've been for the past few months.

I will still be posting those interviews just like I said I would and there are still places open if you want them. I also want to end this rant book properly,  you know, give it a proper burial (that sounded morbid but you know what I mean.) So not only will I be doing those interviews, I was perhaps thinking of doing an awards ceremony thanking some of my readers? What do you guys think of that? I also want you guys to tell me how else I can end this book because this book is my only pride and joy on wattpad. I've grown attached to this book and I'm not just going to abandon this book and leave it to rot under all the other rant books out there.

I hope you guys understand and I will miss this book and all my readers dearly but like I said, my time here is up. Wattpad has done so much for me, helped me to grow as a person, have me some absolutely fantastic friends I can never forget but I've grown out of it now and I'm moving on to other things.

There's more to life than Wattpad.

And that's it for now.

Have a great New Year, guys.

I'm out.


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