25) Physical forms of discipline

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I'm going to be straight up honest with you here and tell you that physical forms of discipline don't work. At all. At least, not for the purpose it was intended for.

Slapping a child does not teach them to behave. All it does is instill fear into the child. It just means that the child is always on edge, constantly afraid of how their parent's will react. It also destroys any chance of the parent and child being friends, they will never have that close relationship simply because they're too busy being scared.

I mean, let's be honest here, if your parent slaps you and screams at you, are you really going to think, "Oh man, I wish I hadn't done that. I feel pretty bad about it now."


All you're going to end up thinking is this, "ugh, I wish they hadn't found out."

And this is why the parent and child can never have that relationship with each other because the child doesn't want to tell their parent's anything.

And it's worse in the ol' country. All I get are a few slaps that make me smart and the occasional pinch. But over there? It's the norm (is anyone else thinking of Norm the robot from Phineas and Ferb? ) to beat the child up for misbehaving.

And it's there where the line between child abuse and physical discipline blurs but I'm not going to go into detail about it.

I have to say though, I like the Caucasians' way of disciplining their children (I don't mean to generalise, there will be Caucasians who also use physical discipline but in general) because they actually use punishments that fucking work (according to me, they do).

They use punishments like grounding, loss of TV and Internet privileges and loss of pocket money too. And they actually work because the child is going to feel the brunt of the consequences far worse than any slap could do. They're actually going to want to know why the hell they can't watch TV and the parents will sit 'em down and promptly tell them what they did wrong. And the child's not going to do it in future.

Let's put it into a scenario for a second.

Casey returns home 3 hours after her curfew.

Which one do you think is the best punishment in ensuring she never does it again?

A) Slapping her, screaming at her about how her reputation is ruined and watching them flee to their rooms.


B) Grounding her for a month an telling her why she's been grounded.

Comment below about which one you think will work better in ensuring she never does it again.

Personally, I think that option B) would work better mainly because no one wants to be stuck at home for another month and have no social life. One grounding is enough.

Well, that's that, vote if you liked and comment below about what you think of the different forms of discipline.

I'm out, folks


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