19) Being the eldest child

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Sometimes, I absolutely hate being the eldest. And those sometimes is enough for me to want to pull my hair out because honestly it just pisses me off.

Here's why:

1) You always get the blame:

It doesn't matter whether you were on Saturn or on the toilet, when your younger sibling commits the heinous crime of getting into an argument with your other sibling - if you don't break it up then you've got to face the consequences.

Okay then, maybe not for getting into arguments but for other things, when something goes wrong, the eldest child's name is always the first on the list of suspects.

And it's made even worse if you have very young siblings such as my 5 year old brother.

Because it's your responsibility to do whatever you had to do.

That's right - even if the age difference is less than 2 years, you are expected to be the mature one and must take the blame without an utterance because duh.

2) You have to babysit for free:

That's right, if your mum's gotta pop out somewhere and your dad's not home, guess who gets stuck watching over a kid for 2 hours?

The eldest.

Because they have to take on the most " responsibility" and look after them.

I am not kidding, I cannot count the number of times I've had to keep an eye on my 5 year old brother in the last month and my 14 year old brother runs off to his room and abandons me.

I can't even fucking do anything while he's around because any devices I use, he'll snatch off me, any old fashioned tools I use (pen and paper) he'll scribble on it.

I should demand money off my mother next time I end up babysitting.

If I did that, I'd be richer than Bill Gates.

3) You must be holier than Jesus:

Again, it's all to do with parents and responsibility.

I mean, whatever you do, the younger ones are gonna think it's suddenly ok to do it too even if you just jumped off a cliff.

Because you get siblings have no common sense whatsoever.

Nope. None.

Hell, if I didn't become a doctor or a dentist, my parents would probably use the excuse that my younger brothers won't become doctors then to force me into it.

Because younger siblings are incapable of having their own dreams and ambitions.

4) The younger ones annoy the fuck out of you:

You see, with younger ones, they aren't quite as mature and understanding as I am.

When I say understanding, I mean they don't understand the fact that I have fucking homework to do for the next day and I can't have them badgering me. Or that if I say you cannot come in, you cannot open the door and push me over and barge in.

And then when I go complaining to the mother, instead of trying to solve the problem or tell them off, she tells me to move rooms.

And then guess what?

They're such rebels that they have the guts to follow me.

Honestly, sometimes I get so pissed off that I end up moving to the room above the garage and it is not a nice place.

5) You must meet every expectation or meet the wrath of your parents:

You know, what with being the first born and everything, parents expect you to be perfect.

Absolutely damn perfect.

And then as they slowly come to the sad realisation that the eldest is never going to be very tall, they either lower their expectations for the younger ones or pass the same ones on.

Don't ever be the eldest sibling, folks.

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Later folks,


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