2) Stereotypes

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Today's rant is going to be about stereotypes. More specifically, the stereotypes that affect me.

1) Muslim = Terrorist

This one drives me crazy because I'm a Muslim and with my hijab, it's pretty obvious. Do you know how freaking annoying it is when some people, not all people, automatically assume me to be a terrorist just because I have a freaking hijab in my head? It annoys me to no end because these people just automatically assume me to be a bomb throwing girl who kills people right and left. Jeez people, if you even talked to me for a few minutes, you'd know I would never do that sort if thing. Has it ever crossed your narrow minds that maybe, just maybe, with a very slim chances I am an ordinary girl who goes to high school and does ordinary high school stuff?

Here's and incident that happened a while ago.

I was out for a walk on a nice, sunny day. Okay fine, it was cold and gloomy, you know, the usual British weather. Anyways, two teenage girls came onto the street in front of me and they saw me behind them. So they started walking really fast and they kept looking back at me, as if they were expecting me to, I don't know, set a bomb on them. And then after a while, when they saw that u was still "following" them, they ran away from me, screaming. And no, I'm not exaggerating.

All of this really did happen and it just goes to show how narrow minded people can be, especially since the media keeps shoving this sort if garbage down their throats.

Another really annoying stereotype associated with me wearing a hijab is that I'm oppressed. That my dad or my brother forced me to wear the hijab. To this, I only have one thing to say. How is it oppression if I chose to wear the hijab out if my own free will?

2) British = Posh accent + Obsession with Tea

For some reason, whenever I tell people I'm British, most if the people will say "you must have a really cool accent"

Yes, I do have an accent but so does everyone on planet Earth. There's nothing special about my accent, it's not more pleasing to hear than others and it most certainly isn't posh. I don't talk like bloody Sherlock Holmes. Only certain people in London do and I don't live anywhere near that city.

Oh and apparently, it's a shocker when I say I don't like tea. I'm British and I don't like tea. It's enough to send a few people to the hospital, don't you think? Look, I'm just not a fan of hot drinks, I don't like coffee either. I'm just one of those people who prefers cold drinks.

There are other stereotypes that are associated with me but unfortunately and embarrassingly, they are true. Not going to list them because that will defeat the purpose of this rant.

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Later, folks


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