31)Time to be British about the weather

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Rightio, I'm going to morph into a stereotypical British person and complain about the weather. Because let's face it, there's a reason the stereotype exists.

So winter has officially started (well, it started like 2 weeks ago but let's not get too finicky about the details)

And let me tell you, it is flipping freezing. It doesn't matter if you're inside a building that supposedly has central heating or staying outside, you're gonna freeze to death. No matter how many layers I wear, I will still turn into an ice cube, ready to be used in someone's drink.

Then there's the wind. God, the awful, awful, wind. Some of you might be thinking what a little breeze could do but let me tell you, we have 70mph (miles per hour) gales. Last year, the winds caused trees to commit suicide, butchered garden sheds up and lastly, scarred all of us for a lifetime (why else would I remember the wind?)

And now the rain. Sweet, sweet, rain.

Not. It rains day in and day out, sometimes turning into sleet, other times into hail, but never into snow. I'm sorry but there is a reason why social lives die this season. There's no motivation whatsoever to leave the house, even if it only takes you 30 seconds to get to your car.

Do you know what the worst thing is?

It doesn't snow. It didn't snow in my parts last year, claiming we'd done such a good job of being British, we didn't need it.

For us, snow equals snowball fights. And a chance to get your enemies back. But mostly the snowball part. Then the snow turns into ice. And you can't do anything. You can't leave the house, besides to go to school (my school's mean) and every time you venture out to get your bread and milk, you have to pray you don't meet an ice grave. Or fine.

Then there's the sun. I don't even understand why us people have to get up in the morning if the sun doesn't. You know what 6:15am equals?

Night time. I'm not even kidding, it's not even the crack of dawn and yet I have to drag myself out of bed. The sun in this part of the world is the world's biggest coward, it takes 3 hours for it to properly show it's face. That's right, it's way past 9 am before it'd properly light. Then, the sun has the guts to rob the dayligh by 4:30pm. So for 7 joyous hours, while we are locked away in our prisons, sorry, schools and work, the sun hides behind it's best friend, the cloud.

Come here, sun. Don't be shy, I just want to give you a hug.

*slaps sun in the face* You deserve it.

And I have to endure this sort of weather for the next 3 months.

Oh, joy.

I hope you guys liked this rant, if you did, vote and have a good ol' moan about the weather in your country down below.

Later, folks


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