15) Cumpolsory Voting and Politics

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Today, we had to debate whether the UK should make voting compulsory or not.

Personally, I think it shouldn't be made compulsory.

Main reason is : what is the point in even voting?

Like, really, politicians make all sorts of false promises and policies and they never actually go ahead with them which just seriously pisses me off because the few people who did actually bother to vote are just like : hold the phone, what did you say?

Last year, Nick Clegg made an apology to the public which was made into a song because he supported tuition fees even though he, in his bullshit promises, said he wouldn't support them.

Idiots. And it's not just Nick Clegg, every politician does this and I think there's a reason why I stay well away from politics and its because it turns me into a raging bitch like I am being today.

I mean, if you make voting compulsory, then people are just going to the polling station without even knowing who the candidates are, say "eeny meeny miny mo" and tick some random box without even looking. And then as a result some weird politician and his party who nobody even likes gets voted into power and then we all whine about the stupid things they do.

But on the other hand...if not many people are voting then UKIP could get voted. If they're voted, this country will be wiped clean of every non white face because apparently there are just way too many immigrants in this country who sponge off tax payers.

Oh, that reminds me, it seems to me that all the politicians even bother to discuss nowadays is university tuition fees, money and immigration. Because apparently, not letting very many immigrants in is going to solve all the problems of the UK.

I don't even know what I'm rambling on about now and it is completely irrelevant to compulsory voting but whatever. Another thing that makes me mad about politicians is that so many of them come from upper class backgrounds. Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the upper class but if a guy has been given everything he wants on a gold platter and never had to worry about money then how do you expect him to understand the problems of the working class? Because I'm pretty sure none of these goddamn politicians know what it's like to choose between heating and eating. Oh wait, I'm pretty sure they don't even know how to budget their personal finances.

These stupid politicians think they're all high and mighty, having gone to prestigious universities and private schools. Yah, well what about those of us who tough it out in inner city state schools and don't even go to university? How are these politicians clad in suits more expensive than my dad's car going to know what it's like?

And then when they make all these cuts to benefits and people's jobs and us lot complain and they're like sitting there, absolutely gormless as if they thought we would say "yes, sir" obediently. Yeah, I don't take very lightly to losing my means of transport to school. I mean, what do you expect me to do, walk? Walk to a school that's in a different town?

Oh wait, these politicians do actually think that....

I know this rant is really random and is more like a ramble and probably doesn't even make any sense and in my anger, I would've exaggerated some aspects of it but just tell me what you think of this in the comment sections below and vote if you liked it.

Later, folks


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