18) Terrible Teachers

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I used alliteration in the title! I'm so proud of myself! Not.

Blah, anyways,  going back to school has brought up those age old complaints about many things and today's will be: teachers!  YAY.

Anyways, the usual list:

1) The teacher who's stricter than my dad:

We've all had them before; the teacher who gives us detentions every time we utter a wprd out of turn and thinks she'll get her own way by screaming.

I mean,  you forget your book by accident? Detention. You're caught whispering a word to your friend? Get out of the classroom.  You don't do your homework?  detention. You haven't got your mini whiteboard? Go to your form tutor to get yelled at. You shouted out and didn't put your hand up nor was asked to speak? Detention.

Seriously,  these teachers need to chill their panties,  it's ok if a student accidentally forgets a piece of equipment, just let us off with a warning. And no, we will not take advantage of you because you gave us a chance. No need to be so extreme because all you're really succeeding in doing is having us hate you.

Oh, but there's the other type of really strict teachers who I don't really know how to explain.

This was my art teacher years ago and once, we had a painting project and she basically said "You are only allowed to use the colours that I have put out on the table and you are only allowed to use the amounts on the table."

Like, what the freaking fuck?! You can't just limit us like that. And once, she made us put our hands on our heads for half an hour because she wanted us to stop working. It's bloody painful,  let me tell you that, and please, kids, don't try this at home. You will sustain severe arm ache for the next hour. Don't say I didn't warn you.

2) The too chilled teacher:

Now, this one is the complete opposite of the too strict teacher but is equally hateful.   She basically cannot control the class and everyone just talks over her while she's trying to teach and get up to absolute mayhem in her class. She never punishes anyone even if they deserve it and they never go further than mild telling offs. And as a result, nobody learns anything in her class.

I had a teacher like this last year in madrasa (evening Islamic school) and me and another bitch would get into arguments in class while she was sat there and would watch us as if she was watching a tennis match.  Head going side to side, waiting to see who would win while the class watched us in amusement.

Sorry not sorry,  but you can't just let that kind of thing go on in your own class without even making an attempt to stop it.

3) The discriminatory teacher:

I have to say, these kind of teachers are by far, one of the worst. I'd much rather have the above 2 types of teachers than have this one.  Look, it's already bad enough that you're prejudiced, but it's even worse when you discriminate towards students because of something they can't control like disability, race or even gender.

Please, place your unwanted prejudices in the black bin.  And no, not the recycling one.  The black one. 

I had this one last year in school (why did I have so many bad teachers last year?) And she basically treated me like an idiot throughout the entire year for something that isn't relevant. She stereotyped me and it hurt. The way she humiliated me in front of the entire class, hurt. And yes, I know, it might come as a shocker to those of you who think I'm a heartless bitch with no feelings, but I do have feelings. And anyways, back to the teacher,  I was in set 1 for God's fucking sake, I got As and A*s in maths and still she treated me like an idiot.

Anyways, let's get back from this human side of me and go back to the bitchy side of me. I like it better.

4) They read from textbooks and don't teach:

Literally,  all these people do is read put from the textbook in the same monotonous voice, then tell you to answer the questions.

That's it. No explanation. No teaching. Just reading. And frankly, these people aren't doing their job and should be booted from the school within 24 hours. Preferably using my own boot. 

5) The one who is incapable of teaching:

You know those people who are terrible at explaining things? Yeah, those kind of people.

I don't care if becoming a teacher was your life long dream, if you can't teach,  don't teach. Simple as. Spare us unfortunate students from the pain of being taught by you. 

Last year's science teacher was like this and she was so slow and bad at teaching that my neighbour would fall asleep and she wouldn't even notice. Such an observant teacher.

6) The unpopular one:

I don't really know what to call it so... Anyways, these teachers are the ones who do things which the class doesn't like and therfore, makes them unpopular.

For example:

Yelling at a student for not understanding something the first time round. Reprimanding a student for not using the same method as her. Blaming a student for confusing the whole class (really, it was the teacher who got confused) for asking a question. (The discriminatory maths teacher I had last year did all of these aforementioned things.) Ripping a page out because the student was taking notes while you were explaining it. 

All of these things are unreasonable and unnecessary - nobody likes that kind of thing.

7) Those who share their entire personal life with students:

Look, I honestly don't mind if you share a few stories from your personal life to make us  laugh or because it relates to the topic. But frankly, I am not interested in hearing what time you set off from home to get to school. Or the fact that your daughter is a morning person. 

My history teacher last year did this and we learned nothing. It was our GCSE history but we learnt nothing.  She was far too busy rambling on about her own personal life to cover the actual content. 

8) The spoonfeeding teacher:

At my school,  the teachers spoonfeed us a lot. Which is bad for us because it means we become dependent on them and struggle in college and uni and all that technical shit.

But there are some people who take it a tad too far. Just a tad.

My current history teacher does this and she'll have her nice PowerPoints on the board with all the notes and she'll tell us to summarise them and put them in our own words in our own notes.

But here's the catch.

She summarises the notes for us . Literally, she'll tell us exactly what to say and I'm thinking "what? Did I mishear you? I thought you said our words"

Not yours.

But at the same time, it's so hard to balance everything out to make the perfect likeable teacher that the bad teachers far outweigh the good ones. And it's a shame because school is already bad enough,  without having these teachers make it worse.

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Later, folks.


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