17) The new profile layout

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First off, if you don't yet know what the new profile layout looks like, check out Wattpad's and you'll see for yourself.

Now, let me start off by saying: I absolutely fucking hate the new profile and will leave wattpad if they change it to that.

Here are all the reasons why I hate the new profile layout:

1) There are major things missing from the page:

Status bar - gone. List of dedications - gone. List of recent votes - gone. List of recent comments - gone. List of basic information - gone.

Now, I live for the statuses and I know that the status bar makes wattpad seem like a social networking site but the thing is...Wattpad has elements of social networking sites which makes it such a popular website. I mean, I love reading but sometimes, you gotta do a bit of socialising too and if socialising in real life is imposible (it is for me, outside of school), wattpad is a great way to do it. Now, some of you may be thinking "well, why not just go on actual social networking sites and talk to people there?" 

Well, some of us have no interest in them (I don't) and its harder to find people your own age on those sites and it's also more dangerous to have online friends there. Now, I'm not saying that wattpad is completely safe but wattpad isn't exactly the kind of site which paedophiles flock to. 

ANYWAYS, back to the actual topic at hand. I like the statuses, it's nice to communicate with your followers. As for the list of recent dedications, votes and comments...well, for me, dedications shows me how popular a person really is, I mean, sure, why not look at the number of followers, right? It's not always accurate, some people just follow others randomly for no reason and never think about the person ever again but with dedications, not many people actually dedicate a chapter for no reason. And the votes and comments show me what kind of books the person likes to read, what kind of comments give and sometimes, approximately the last time they were on wattpad.

All these things show what a person is like and without all these things on the new profile page, I can't really tell if they're the kind who puts xD at the end of every sentence or is a very serious person. 

As for the basic information, the only piece I'm actually interested in is the date they joined wattpad. Call me a stalker, but I like to know whether a person joined wattpad years ago, or days ago.  

2) The newsfeed is messier than my room 

Look, I'm a very disorganised and messy person but that new newsfeed looks messier than any mess I could create. All those massive images linked with whatever the person has done like following a person to me, looks stupid. It's a waste of space and frankly, doesn't look very professional. Not only that but most of what comes in the newsfeed is irrelevant. Do I really want to know that you've been following more people than I have been late to school?

Answer: not particularly. The person who has been followed isn't even linked to their profile page so to me, it's kinda useless. They also show the books that the person has added to their reading list. 

If I want to know what book you added to your reading list, it's really not that inconvenient for me to press that reading list. It really isn't a bother for me, wattpad. What is a bother to me is that none of the newsfeed even makes sense to me.  To me, it's just pages and pages of useles information. I'd rather actually see the messageboard to see what the person is like. 

3) It looks like a social networking site

Like I already mentioned before, I'm not interested in social networking sites and don't like them either. So you can understand why I don't want this new profile layout. I mean, are you trying to look like a social networking site? If you are, I am going to deflate that bright idea of yours because it is pathetic. 

But if I'm honest, I doubt wattpad is going to listen to its audience and is still going to go ahead with changing all the profiles to the new versions with  few minor changes. 

Goddamn it, wattpad, you're a fucking business! You're supposed to listen to your audience and meet their wants and needs if possible otheriwse you're going to lose a hell of a lot of business, let me tell you that now, wattpad. 

At least give us the choice of changing to the old or new profiles. If we want the new one, we can have it, if we want the old one, we can have it. 

Vote if you hate the new profile layout.

Comment about your opinions on the new profile layout.

Later folks


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