3) Advertising your crap

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Yesterday, I was in The Cafe and I came across a thread that said "I'm leaving". Guess why she was leaving? Because nobody would read her shit and there was no point in her continuing and she might as well leave. Seriously, dude? You're fucking leaving because nobody will read your shit?

News flash.

You won't get millions of reads in a few days. Unless it's a cliché One Direction fanfiction. And don't go there folks, just because you want reads. That's low.

You have to have patience, keep writing, keep updating because you want to write not because you want to get ore reads. If you're just writing for the reads, I can guarantee you, you'll stop faster than I can make another rant. Why? Because you're not actually enjoying it. You don't get a buzz out if writing a new chapter for your book, you don't get excited when you have a new idea for your book.

Now, the fact that she created that whole thread about her sorrow leads me to this question : did she create that thread so she could get more attention? I don't want to think too much into this so I'm just going to leave that there.

But what about the thousands of people who advertise their books elsewhere? This one really does piss me off because frankly, it's very unlikely you'll get reads by advertising your story in the Share Your Story thread or bugging people.

Do you know how freaking annoying it is when someone PM's me or asks me in my message board to read their story? That just makes me not want to read their story for the fact that they pissed me off. Their messages don't just fester in people's inboxes and message boards either. They're like a disease and in almost any thread you go on, at least one bitch has gone and said "hey guys, here's my story! (Insert link here)." If I see one more message like that on the Procrastinator thread, that person is going to wish they'd never been born. And in the comments section of people's works. I have seen links posted in the comments section in the futile attempt to get their own works read. That's just selfish.

And the Share Your Story threads make zero sense to me. I mean, let's be honest here, who goes on that thread to check out the stories that other people have posted? No one? I thought so. Why? Because nobody would ever look in that shit hole for a story. I'd rather look on the What's Hot list than look in the Share Your Story thread. The only people who go on that thread are the ones who go and advertise their own story and they don't care about the millions of other stories posted in that thread. Please. Let us think about the logic in that concept for a second. A bunch of idiots advertising their story in a thread which nobody looks at. Nobody is going to look at the 50th page of the thread for your story.

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Later folks


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