11) Things I've learnt this year

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Well, I've just finished my second to last year of high school and I thought I'd make a list of things I've learnt over the past school year.

1) Don't ever sass the queen bee - unless you want to be involved in a billion arguments for the rest of the year and be the centre of attention, don't do this. The queen bee doesn't like people going against her, no matter how wrong she is.

2) No matter how important your exams are, people will still see you as a nerd if you revise - normally I would never revise for exams, but these were my actual GCSE exams so I did some revision for it, not wanting to get bad grades. And guess what? People think you're a super nerd for it.

3) It is possible to have a combination of the shittiest teachers in the school for your most important subjects in one year - I had shit teachers for English, Maths and a part of Science. I also had a shit teacher for Urdu, the one subject that I was failing. I am so not looking forward to those results

4) The teachers don't care which holiday it is, they're going to give you homework anyways - ugh, I have to read the Merchant of Venice and Jane Eyre over the holidays. Normally I would think, "yay, easy homework" but I have a deep hatred for classics which is even deeper than my hatred towards wattpad books. I also have a lot of Art homework to do which I'm not looking forward to handing in.

5) It is possible to make a 55 year old male teacher cry - we made him cry today. Out of happiness, of course.

6) High school bitches don't appreciate your frankness - the number of times I have received threats or gotten into arguments simply because I was honest (I wasn't even brutally honest for God's sake) is more than the year we're in. I think.

7) The girls don't care that its Ramadhan, they're going to sell food in front of your very own eyes - my stomach grumbles when they do that and I usually have a good 9 hours left to go

8) It is possible to change your form class' reputation within a year - I'm not going to lie, my form class previously had the worst reputation in the entire school, famed for the students with behaviour problems but we turned it round this year, we're no longer seen as the troublemakers of the school and if something bad happens, all eyes no longer turn to my form class.

And that's it's for this year, folks. Some very important life lessons for me to take away, though I'll probably be the same sarcastic bitch next year.

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