Paddle (smut)

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Based off of what my parents told me about what happened back then for discipline in schools. They had a paddle and would smack kids hands, arm.... Butt. Hehheehejeneheje. You can tell where I'm going with this. Warning: smut is in this, continue at your own risk!

(Play the song! Honest by The Neighborhood)

"Tyler! Office!" The teacher yelled. I shake as I have no idea what made me be sent to the office. " W-what did I do ma'am? " i asked politely. "Talking during testing." " B-but!-" "No buts! The office!" The teacher handed me the red slip. The red slip was the worst. The red slip meant the paddle to the ass. I walk out the door reluctantly to the office.

I open the office door to be greeted by the woman sitting behind the desk. "What are doin in here love?" She asks me. I show her the red slip. " Tyler, what did you do? " She gets up and hugs me. She knows me well since my mom and her are friends. She rubs my back gently. "It'll be okay sweety, he doesn't like to spank people. He gives candy after in fact."

I nods a bit and wipe my nose with my wrist. She pulls away and calls to the principals office about me coming down. I walk reluctantly to his office. I knock on the door and I hear a faint 'come in' from the other side of the door. I open the door and step inside the office.

'What are you here for?" The principals, Mr. Dun, asked. " I-i was trying to help a student with a word during a t-test and the t-" "You know your not aloud to talk during tests." He cuts me off. " I-i was just trying to be n-" Mr. Dun groans and ends me from talking.

"What color?" He asks. I show him the red slip. I swear I saw him have a little blush. I see the paddle hanging up on the wall with word 'bad' painted on it. "Over the knee." I blush and lay over his knee with tears in my eyes. I hear the paddle being taken off the wall , and without a second thought a smack is heard echoing through the room as I whimper in pain. I jump at the feeling, rubbing myself into the principal.

I groan at the feeling and hear a faint groan come from Mr.Dun. My face heats up at a thought.

3rd person

"Again sir," Tyler whimpers out at him. He wiggled his ass and feels the paddle ghost over it. He whimpers at the feeling and he feels another smack on his ass. He purposely moved up on the older mans leg almost sexually when he smacked his little ass. Tyler hums in pleasure at the feeling.

He feels a little pain in his ass but not to much, he wants more. "Please sir, again." Tyler whimpers out to him. He hears the principle groan. " Tyler, what are you doing? " he asks in an almost choked out way. "Please sir?" He whimpers while grinding his hips into the principals leg, his ass shakes while he grinds his hips in desperation.

This time he smacks the boys ass with his hand harshly. Tyler whimpers in pleasure. Tyler's sits up on the principals lap, straddling him. He stares at Mr.Dun directly in the eyes with his lips just partially open. He bites his lips when he feels a lump in the inside of his thigh. Tyler presses his chest against the older mans chest, his lips ghosting over the others. There lips touch but nothing more.

Tyler pushes his lips into the older mans lips, connecting them lightly. He feels the older man put his hands on either side of his hips, gripping them while they make out. Tyler runs his hands down the front of the man's chest, looping his finger around the belt loop of the man's pants. He runs his fingers over the leather belt.

The older man runs his tongue over the younger boys bottom lip. The boy whimpers at the movement. He takes that to his advantage and sticks his tongue in the boys mouth, exploring every inch. The older mans hands go under Tyler's shirt and grips the boys little pudge on his hips. Mr.Dun runs his hands to Tyler's lower back.

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now