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Like a lot of my other one shots, it's sort of bipolar, it gets pretty intense with smut in this so yeah, I believe there's some gender dysphoria in this but I can't remember... Anyway this isn't edited so go ahead and point out if I misspelled anything (*´˘'*)ー❣❣

Tyler bounced his leg in class as the hormones in his body started to act up wildly. He took his t shot on Thursday and now it's Friday. He tried to calm himself and focus on the lesson rather then the hot feeling in his thighs.

Mr Dun kept looking at Tyler as he started to sweat while bouncing his leg in class. Once the class started to pack up to go home Mr Dun pulled him aside.

"Can I talk to you after school?" He asked gently. Tyler gulped before nodding.  He was so nervous of what he'd have to say to him. Tyler sat at his chair he was in before, looking out the window as the bell rang to leave. His sweating increased at how nervous he was for what the older would have to say to him.

Tyler fumbled with his sleeves as his mind started to think of any moderately cute guy that could make out with him which fueled his hormones to go harder at him. He bit his lip while bouncing his leg harder.

"Okay, I saw you were bouncing your leg and sweating harshly earlier, would there be a cause to that? Were you nearly going to have a panic attack cause you can let me know if you need to take a break from class." Mr Dun told him. Tyler's face flushed as he rubbed his neck.

"U-uh no i-it wasn't th-that." Tyler told him while fumbling with his hands. "Uhm, I.... I take testosterone shots as you m-may kn-now, and uh- You know?" Tyler told him not wanting to really go into detail. The teacher gave him a confused look. "Uh s-so basically the sh-shots kinda give you a-a, uhm, s-second puberty?" Tyler fumbled our while not wanting to be in the conversation at the moment.

He watched as the older nodded at the realization. "Oooh, okay I think I understand now." Tyler's face flushed as his mind started racing about his teacher. He, and many others, couldn't deny he was a hot dude. Tyler bit his knuckle while bouncing his leg. He looked out the window just to move his face from looking at Josh while his body reacted harshly with the t.

He let out a shaky breath at how hard we was trying to hold back everything.

"Are you okay?" Mr Dun asked while putting his hand on Tyler's shoulder, concerned for his student. Tyler accidentally let out a whine before his face flushed a dark red and hid his face in his sleeves as he repeatedly apologized.

"I-I di-didn't-nt mean to d-do th-that." Tyler splurged out making his teacher laugh gently.

"It's okay Tyler." The older calmly told him. Tyler's body was hurting with how much he needed to go home and...  Fix his problem. He was so scared to just get up and leave since he was awkward like that. He didn't know if his teacher had anything else to say.

Mr Dun moved his hand across Tyler's tensed shoulders and gently rubbed his thumb into one of his muscles in his shoulder. Tyler leaned his head to the other side then where the older was massaging the muscle. Tyler's eyes closed at the mini massage. He hummed at the feeling before he stopped making Tyler groan.

He listened to his teacher laugh at how he was upset that he stopped.

"You should probably head home now, your parents are probably worried."

"N-no, they both work, they aren't usually h-home till 5, I kinda want to just stay h-here for a bit. I have n-nothing else to-to do." Tyler stuttered to him.

"If you want you can stay but there's not much else I have to do before I go."

"Yeah there is," Tyler told him. The older gave him a confused look. "Massage my head," Tyler said before thinking. "I-I mean uh, s-sorry," Tyler flushed. Once again the older laughed before moving his fingers through Tyler's soft hair.

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now