Where is my mind? Pixies

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Start the song <3 Tw: bullying, depression and I think some anxiety? I haven't honestly read this in a while but it's been in my drafts for a while sooooo yeah

word count:3513

Tyler walks to school, binders, and books in hand, headphones in his ears. He walks to the front of the school seeing the usual punks. Like every day they come over and knock the things in his hands onto the ground and add bruises till a teacher comes over and stops them, they ask if he's fine and he says yeah. He picks up his things and notices his iPod is cracked. The bell rings and he goes through his usual bully filled day.

The bell dismisses the classes. Tyler goes into the student filled hallways and outside into the cold fall weather. He goes inside his house with his mom crying on the couch. Dad nowhere to be seen. Tyler goes past her since he has already tried multiple times before to help her. He goes up into his room and plops onto his bed, music filling his ears. He just lays there. His mind empty of thoughts, the usual voices start popping into his head. Soon enough they start yelling and some tears cascade down his tanned face.

Pathetic little cries escape his mouth. He gasps for air since he couldn't get enough air in while crying. He hears his door open and sees his only friend, Brendon and his dog. Brendon sits down next to him and takes out Tyler's headphones as he cries, it was an ugly cry but he's seen it quite a bit more than he should. He lays Tyler's head in his lap, running his fingers through the crying boy's hair. Tyler's dog, Rowan, lays down near Tyler's side and lays her head on his chest helping his breathing calm. Desperate gasps for air rips through the fragile boy.

Brendon continues to run his hand through Tyler's hair since he knows it calms him down. A buzzing sound comes from his phone. "You met Josh, right?" Tyler nods as the tears calm down. "He just asked if you and I want to go meet up at Mearles cafe. Want to go?" He asks him. Tyler shrugs. "I'll take that as a yes. C'mon lets go." Tyler quickly wipes off his face and grabs his grey sweatshirt. Brendon rubs his hand through Tyler's hair making it fluffy but also a mess. "Bren!" He whines. Brendon laughs as they head downstairs. Tyler walks over to his mom in the kitchen. "I'm gonna head out. Love you," He hugs his broken mom and kisses her forehead. She smiles and nods. "Be careful, love you." She responds as he starts walking outside. Rowan's paws pad across the floor, Tyler bends down and pats her head before leaving the house.

Brendon starts his Ford pickup truck. Tyler hops into the passenger seat and buckles in. Brendon starts driving to the 60's style cafe. Brendon parks a little far away from the neon outside of the cafe. Brendon texts Josh that they're at the cafe. "He says he's at the entrance." Tyler nods and they start to walk toward the bright cafe.

Tyler walks next to Brendon looking at the wet concrete. As they step onto the sidewalk Tyler looks up at Josh seeing him with a white beanie and blonde hair this time. Josh grins at him as he stared at him for a bit. "Ty? You good?" Brendon asks while laughing. "H-hu?" Tyler says while shaking his head. "Ooooh~ Ty's blushing!" Brendon says while poking him in the shoulder repeatedly. "Stop! No, I'm not!" Tyler whines while putting his face in his sweatshirt. Josh and Brendon laugh lightly while going into the cafe. Tyler follows behind Josh as they get seated at a booth. Brendon nudges Tyler to sit next to Josh, well, as in nudge when Josh sat down he basically shoved him into the seat next to Josh. "Brendon!" he whisper-yells in the nearly empty cafe.

"Hmm?" He asks with a big grin on his face. "Why'd you do that?" Tyler laughs a bit while sitting up straight since he got pushed onto Josh. Brendon looks at him and winks. Tyler kicks him in the calf under the table. "Ouch!" Brendon whines. Tyler pokes his tongue out. "Hi, I'm your waiter Jessie, I will be serving you today. What you boys like?" She asks. "A strawberry milkshake and fries," Tyler says as she looked at him first. She jots down everyone's order and starts heading back to the counter with her blonde hair in a ponytail and skates a pink and white. Tyler looks forward again as the silence grew apart from the music playing faintly in the background.

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now