
15 0 8

based on things that have ACTUALLY happened (names are altered)
Cassie - Me
Brayden- My crush lmao
Rylynn - my friend who told 'Brayden'
Morisa - Friend with 'Brayden'
Rachel - My friend in my class
Carson - another friend of mine who has interacted with 'brayden' before

" I'm telling him today." Rylynn flat out says while opening the locker room door.

"No!" Whined Cassie, "Why can't you be like 'Cassie wants to be friends with you!' Cause he's a cool dude, he probably doesn't care." Cassie continued.

Rylynn chuckled at her. I'm still doing it." Cassie groaned while she grabbed her gym bag, shoving off her shirt and pants, putting back on her jacket over her PE shirt and a pair of leggings.

Cassie and Rylynn walked out, walking around the gym as they waited for the whole class to be out to start their 4 minutes run. Rylynn saw Brayden walk out.

"He's being told." The slightly taller said. Cassie whined and grabbed Rylynns arm before she pulled away going up to Brayden. Rylynn went straight up to him but Cassie hid her face in her hands. The taller came back giggling.

"I hate you so much!" Cassie said with a bright red face and smiling, laughing almost maniacally. Rylynn pointed down at the brunette.

"It's her!" Rylynn yelled with a giggle. Cassie peeks from her hand to take Rylynns arms down and seeing Braydens friends look at her with smiles. The music started for their run.

"I hate you so-ho much!" Cassie practically yelled at Rylynn, repeating it. She looked up at Braydens friends to see them grinning widely. (Literally all this shit happened detail to detail, it was fucking insane! Sorry for breaking your reading lmao)

Two of the popular girls came up to Rylynn and Cassie, asking what happened. Rylynn explained with a laugh.

Morisa caught up to the pair as the popular girls left."You like Brayden Green?!" (random last name lmao) She asked with a wide smile. Cassie covered his face before nodding. Morisa was smiling.

The timer went off and Rylynns class had to go up for the weight room.

"So you like Brayden Green?" Morisa asked from beside Cassie. Cassie nodded with her jacket covering her mouth as she was breathing hard with adrenaline and from just running at a pretty good pace to stay away from Brayden with embarrassment. "Oh my god, he's like, my best friend! Brayden he's right here!" Morisa yelled across the gym toward Brayden while pointing at Cassie.

Braydens's face spread to a grin while looking down at the ground. The teacher went to the middle of the gym explaining their workout. They started to do burpees and Cassie did them quickly as the adrenaline was pretty much bursting through her veins.

Rachel was smiling at the whole interaction. After they were done with the warm up, they went to the bleachers. Cassie sitting down on the furthest bleacher back on the three rows. Rachel sat to her right and Morisa came up sitting to her left.

"So what do you like about Brayden?" She asked, but before she could respond, "Brayden come here!" She yelled. Brayden climbed to the second row of bleachers. Cassie hid her face with her hand as she was bright red.

"What's your name?" Morisa asked with a wid smile as Brayden looked back at her.

"Cassie." She croaked out while still hiding her face somewhat.

"Hi Cassidy," (yes they pronounced my name wrong making it worse) Brayden said with a wide grin. Cassie gave a little wave while hiding her face still. Rachel punched her leg. Cassie sat up taller, moving her hand to see Braydens fist out in a fist bump. Cassie fist bumped him, noting he had pretty soft hands. (Yes I somehow picked this up when doing that, SORRY FOR THE INTERUPTION)

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें