wrote this for school

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so i had to write a story for school and its a fanfic so imma post it cause i like it

Tyler climbed up the hill toward the mansion Joshua lived in. It was 9:25, he was going to be late to his job. He quickly started to sprint up the stairs, as fast as he could to the flat green land on top of the hill. He got onto the land and ran toward the marble mansion that towered over him. He saw that the doors of the mansion were open from the other person working in the mansion for Joshua, his best friend Jessie.

She stood by the door, hands laced together, head tilted down as she stared at the ground. He knew he was late. Tyler hesitantly went through the door. His head hung as he was guilty for sleeping in and goofing around at the bottom of the hill. He felt a harsh sting on his face as a glove slammed into the side of his face. He hid his pain and scrunched his face up as the sting starts to burn more and more.

"Sorry," Jessie tells him as the glove was in her hand.

"It's fine Jes," Tyler tells her. It wasn't her choice to do that, he knew that much. He had to repeatedly do that to her. They heard the bell ring through the large mansion signaling work starts. Today Tyler was working on the second floor as Jessie worked on the first floor.

Although Tyler hated working on the second floor since it was more common to see Joshua on this floor, he was glad Jessie was safer on the first floor. He started by checking in with Joshua since he hadn't that day and he was late. He gently knocked on the door before it was immediately opened to a fuming Joshua.

Tyler knew what was going to come next. He sat on the soft chair as Josh started to yell at him for 'being lazy'. Tyler nodded at things he was screaming at him for and shaking his head when he knows he should. Josh grabbed onto his chin to make him look at him while he quiets his voice down.

"Get to work, now, understand?" Joshua threatened. Tyler quickly nodded and left the room in a hurry to get away. He saw Jessie standing at the top of the staircase with a sorrow filled face.

"I'm so sorry Ty," She tells him while going to hug him.

"You shouldn't be up here Jes," Tyler warned her but Jessie argued back. "Jessie! Just go work, please. I don't want you hurt," He told her, Jessie nodded and they held each other for a bit. "Okay I'll see you at lunch, alright?" Jessie nodded at him. They smiled pitifully at one another. They started to work on the separate floors. Tyler flinched every time he saw Joshua pass by him. He would apologize to him each time he would pass by getting the same bland response 'it's fine'.

Once Tyler finished half of the second floor they were allowed to take a break and eat lunch. Jessie and Tyler made their own lunch in the large kitchen with an assortment of food items. Tyler made a small sandwich since it didn't take much to fill him up while Jessie made a big salad and milkshakes for the two of them. They laughed as they spoke about past memories with their friends Frank and Brendon.

They both stopped laughing when they saw the door of the mansion open to the other rich person on the top of the hill, Dallon. Tyler started to silently eat while Jessie gave little glances back at Dallon when Joshua came down to talk to him. Behind Dallon, Tyler saw Brendon and Frank cowering behind the tall rich man. He saw how wore out they already were, he saw a pink mark on Brendons cheek that was darkening over time.

Jessie gasped which caused Joshua to glare down at her. She quickly covered her mouth and washed her dishes as well as Tylers empty plate. They both went back to work without being told to. Tyler pulled Jessie upstairs,

"We need to go, now," Tyler tells her in a hushed whisper.

"Tyler! Are you insane? We still have half the mansi-" She got cut off by Tyler,

"No, I mean we need to stop working for them, do you see how they treat us? They hurt us, they work us to the ground and we barely ever get paid. Did you see Brendon? What about me, what about Frank- Most importantly what about you?" Tyler tells her. She nodded during his whole rant before shaking her head while thinking.

"Tyler, we can't just, stop. It'll just get worse-" She stopped as they both saw Joshua at the top of the stairs with a questioning look. They scatter away and get back to work on their separate floors. Tyler felt his heart slam against his chest, nervous for himself, friends and his family. His anxiety grew more and more. He knew Jessie had to be panicking as well, he knew about her anxiety, she has gone onto full on breakdowns from her anxiety.

To say he was scared was an understatement, he was more than scared, more than terrified. He was petrified of Joshua and everyone living on top of the hill. He didn't want to even be near them. He didn't want to see them, think about them or ever be near them. But here he is working for them. Tyler was furious he was forced to work for them. He's tried multiple times to get away, run from everyone here, but each time he failed. It would either be family making him stay, his friends, or his own thoughts that worried him.

Jessie finished before Tyler on the first floor since she was able to contain her anxiety and work through it. She clocked out but waited for Tyler, Brendon, and Frank to finish. It was around 4 when she was done. Tyler cleaned everything as quickly as possible and clocked out. Everyone else was finished and waiting for Tyler outside the mansion.

"Hey Ty guy," Brendon smirked at him before wincing at the growing bruise on the side of his face. Tyler walked to him, placing his cold hand on the bruise. Brendon winced at the pressure on the sensitive bruise, "It's fine Tyler,"

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now