Pinkey Promise

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Tyler skips over to the bright red haired boy. "Joshie!" He squeaks to Josh. He smiles brightly at him with his crooked teeth. "Hey princess!" Josh smiles back and hugs him tightly. Tyler giggles softly like an angel. "I love you!" Tyler laughs while saying that. Josh's smile fades a bit. "What's wrong Joshie?" He asks when he sees Josh's face go from happy to sad.

"I can't stay here princess," Josh tells him. "Why? I want you to stay." "The boss just told me he's relocating me to California." Tyler's eyes well up with tears. "B-but you said you would stay here forever till time takes us... " Tyler tells him. "I'm sorry baby boy, I have no control over it." Tyler takes handfuls of Josh's shirt and starts crying. "No!! I hate your job, why don't you just quit?" Tyler asks.

"It's my only way of income sweet pea." Josh holds Tyler chin and kneels down to his level since Tyler is shorter then him. Tyler moves his hand to his cheek and leans into his touch. Josh had tears well in his eyes as he watches Tyler cry and love his touch.

Josh brings Tylers forehead to his. They both close there eyes and enjoy there touch. Tyler brings his delicate lips to Josh's. Josh kisses back immediately. There lips move with passion and sadness. Josh wipes away Tyler's tears from his cheeks. They disconnect there lips and Josh holds Tyler in his lap.

"Josh, pinky promise me you will come back soon." Tyler says with little cracks in his voice. He holds out his pinky. Josh locks there pinky's together. "I promise, I will never forget you baby boy." Tyler hugs Josh and starts to cry into his shoulder. He gasps for air here and there, Josh holds him and whispers things in his ear to calm him down.

Tyler's sobs grow quieter, he let's his head rest on his shoulder. A tear lands on Tyler's shoulder from Josh. "No, please don't cry, it'll be okay Joshie, just like you said." Tyler says with a heartbreaking smile. Tyler kisses him again with tons of passion. Tyler slowly starts to grind there hips together.

"Tyler, it's not the time for th-" He gets cut off with Tyler pushing there lips together. Josh sighs into the kiss and puts his hand in Tyler's hair. Tyler pushes there chests together and deepens this kiss even more. Tyler starts to whimper into the slowly getting heated make out session.

"Tyler, it's not the time for this baby boy." Josh groans out. "I want to make you happy before you leave though, " Tyler says while leaning his head on Josh's shoulder. "It's okay baby boy, I'm always happy around you." He says while leaving little kisses down Tylers soft neck.

Tyler whimpers as he starts to nip at his skin. Tyler starts grinding his hips again against Josh's. "Joshie," Tyler whines out. Josh pushes Tyler against the couch there sitting on and lays between Tyler's soft, pudgy thighs. He starts to suck hickeys into his skin.

He licks over the ones he has created previously. Even the ones from a night ago. He sucks over his sensitive skin behind his ear, which is even more sensitive since there was already a hickey there. Tyler whines at the sensitivity. Tyler brings Josh's lips up to his. The make out session finally calms down.

"I love you." Tyler says. Josh lays his head on Tyler's chest and closes his eyes. Tyler plays with his hair which calms him down making him fall asleep.

------- 3 years later -------

Tyler runs into a store to get away from the pouring rain. He orders a carmel latte and decides on looking for a seat. He sits down at a tall table and stools by the big window. He watches the rain splash and make tiny puddles in the road. A worker calls his name and he goes up and grabs his latte.

As he turns back he sees a familiar face as they walk in, there with a girl that has bright blue hair like his. They laugh at a joke she made. Tyler goes to his table and sits down and tries to think of something else. He watches him walk to the table in front and sees that it is, indeed Josh. He sees the way his eyes and nose crinkle while he laughs as well as his tongue sticks out.

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now