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Tyler laid on the couch, feeling disgusting, sweaty and just horrible. His parents and family were out for the day so they called Tylers best friend Josh to take care of him while they were out. Tyler heard the door open and squinted his eyes open to see Josh walk in with a backpack on his shoulder. Josh gave a little pity filled smile and walked over sitting on the ground next to him. He ran his hand through Tylers sweaty and greasy hair.

"How're you Ty?" Josh whispered in the quiet atmosphere. Tyler gave him a little glare, "Totally just fine," He whispered back with his soar throat. Tyler started to shiver underneath the layers of blanket on him. A bead of sweat cascaded down Tylers forehead. Josh picked him up, bridal style, to his bedroom and started the hot water in Tylers bathroom.

Tyler curled into a ball under the blankets piled on top of him. Josh put some soap in the water before thinking its good enough. "Ty, why don't you grab some clothes to change into after the bath?" Josh told him while grabbing a towel for the sick boy. Tyler stood on shaky leg and grabbed a over sized sweatshirt and a pair of his favorite underwear to feel as comfortable as possible.

He took off his sweatshirt and basketball shorts, changing into swim trunks. He put his clothes down near the tub and sat in the warm, bubbly water. Josh came back in and put down a towel and washcloth on the floor. Josh drenched the washcloth in the tub, putting a bit of soap on it. He paused and went on his phone. Tyler smiled as he heard familiar ukulele chords come from the phone, songs from 'Mxmtoon' playing through the bathroom.

Josh rubs Tylers back with the washcloth. He moved the washcloth around Tylers back, chest, legs and arms washing at the sweat covering Tyler. He gently massaged at the taut muscles on Tylers shoulders and neck. Tyler let out little whimpers of slight pain before relaxing into the feeling.

Josh helps Tyler to stand on his weak legs. Tyler dried off and put on his lacy boy shorts and slid on the oversized sweatshirt that hit his mid thighs. Josh walked over to the frail boy and wrapped his arm around Tyler's upper back.

"Want to stay in your room or go downstairs?" Josh asked.

"Mhmm.... My room," Tyler told him after thinking for a second. Josh nodded and walked Tyler to his bed. Tyler crawled under his covers before making grabby hands toward Josh. The curly haired teen laughed and crawled under the covers with Tyler.

Tyler wrapped himself around Josh like a koala. Josh gently massaged Tyler's back and shoulders. Tyler started to get a coughing fit, moving his arm in front of his mouth to not get Josh sick. Once Tyler laid back down Josh played with Tyler's hair till he fell asleep.

Tyler's cheeks and nose were pink with sickness and his eyes were the littlest bit puffy. Josh gently moved from Tyler to make some food for when he wakes up.

He 'made' chicken noodle soup and got some ginger ale in a cup with some ice, wanting to keep it cool. The older went up the stairs to check on Tyler to see him stirring around, looking for Josh in the covers with him.

"Hey Ty," Josh gently said and Tyler opened his eyes after a few seconds.

"I was wondering where you were, 'm cold and sweaty at the same time," Tyler whined at him quietly as his throat felt dead.

"You don't need to talk if your throat hurts," Josh said while petting the youngers hair. He nodded and closed his eyes again. "You're probably not hungry but I made some chicken noodle soup for you and there's some ginger ale for you downstairs."

Tyler nodded hiding his face in the covers. He made grabby hands at Josh. The older got the memo and picked Tyler up with a blanket. He coughed into his elbow again and rested against Josh's broad shoulder.

Josh brought him downstairs, sitting him on the couch while he got the bowl of soup and drink. Tyler sniffled and sneezed while waiting for him. Josh set the bowl on the coffee table and handed Tyler the cup of soda.

i literally started writing this in maybe 2018? 2017 earliest? idk, i like it and wanna post it for you guys ✌️

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now