Don't Eat Food

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Tw: mention of food and anorexia, stay safe 💗

"Hey, Josh!" Tyler says while running up to Josh who isn't facing him and doesn't want to see him, he felt to fat to be around him since he ate today. Josh shivered at the idea of food. "Whats wrong?" Tyler asked as he hasn't responded to Tyler in a while. "Huh? Oh uh, nothing! I'm fine," Lie, lie, lie, lie all lies. "Okay, want to come to my house today? Play some Mario kart so i can beat you?" Tyler says with a smile. "Says the one who has lost the last 2 days." Josh laughs. "Whatever! That was just 2 days," Tyler says.

They both walk to Tyler's house. "Hey, boys! Their's pizza if you want any!" Tyler goes to the kitchen and grabs a slice for him and for Josh since Tyler hasn't seen him eat today. "Here ya go!" Tyler says as he sits on the couch next to Josh and hands him the slice on a plate. Josh shakes his head and pushes it away. "I'm not hungry," Josh says. "You haven't eaten all day, c'mon. Nice and greasy!" Tyler laughs at the end. Josh chuckles but shakes his head again. "I'm not hungry Ty," Josh says again.

"Please eat, for me?" Tyler asks while looking Josh in the eye. Josh's face flushes a light pink. "Fine," He grabs the slice and hesitantly bites a piece off and forces it down. Stop, stop eating. Fat, fat, fat, FAT! Josh puts down the plate. "There, happy?" Tyler looks at him with defeat. "C'mon, actually eat the pizza." Josh just shakes his head and leans back into the sofa. "I will shove this down your throat if you don't eat," Tyler says half-jokingly. Josh sighs before taking a few more bites and forcibly swallows it. "I'm done, I'm full," Josh says and Tyler doesn't fight him to eat more.

Tyler puts on the TV as he finishes eating. Josh feels himself gag. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Josh says before leaving and quickly running to the bathroom. Tyler shrugs and realizes he needs to grab some blankets cause it's a bit cold in the house. He walks past the bathroom to go up the stairs before he hears crying and dry heaving. "Josh? Are you okay?" He doesn't hear a response and the cries grow louder and the dry heaving continues. "I'm coming in," Tyler says as he tries to open the door buts it's locked. He grabs the key they have to unlock the doors in the house and unlocks the door after a couple of times.

He sees Josh crying and dry heaving up his food. "Josh..." Tyler sits next to him while rubbing his hand up and down his back. Josh flinched when he put his hand on his back but relaxed into his touch. After Josh finished dry-heaving Tyler holds him to his chest while he cries into his shoulder. Josh let out little cries which broke Tyler's heart seeing him like that. "How long have you been doing this Joshie?" Josh looked down in his lap as tears fall down into it. "Since the beginning of freshmen year," Josh says guiltily. "Since we met 4 years ago?" Tyler asks with shock. Josh nods as cries escape his mouth. "Did you do it for me?" Josh nods again as tears fall heavily.

"Josh, you are perfect and always will be. Don't do it for anyone, it isn't healthy Joshie." "You didn't think I didn't know that? I got told by many people it's not healthy." "Then why didn't you stop?" Tyler asks with a bit of anger in his voice. Josh whimpers at his tone. "Cause I'm fat." "Josh! Your not!" Tyler goes to hug him before having to wrap his arms a lot closer than he should. "Josh! You are too skinny, you need to gain weight," Josh shakes his head as tears fall. Tyler grabs Josh's chin and makes him look him in the eye. Josh's face flushes a red color. " You don't need to change your appearance for someone to love you cause chances are they love you no matter how they look."

Tears start falling back down Josh's face. Tyler wipes them away from his burning cheeks. "Th-thanks ty," "Your welcome sweet pea,"   Tyler says before kissing Josh's forehead making Josh blush madly. Tyler puts his forehead on Josh's. Their lips nearly touch. Josh's heart starts to beat quicker as he can feel Tyler's lips ghost his.

Josh watches Tyler with hooded eyes and watches as Tyler's lips slightly part.  Josh decides to let Tyler do what he wants. Tyler puts his hand on the back of Josh's neck and gently presses their lips together making Josh move closer to Tyler and wrap his arms around Tyler's neck, nearly sitting in his lap.

The kiss is passionate and full of emotion. From love to sadness to caring,  they let out their emotions. Josh parts his lips more and lets Tyler explore his mouth with his tongue. They pull back gasping for air before Josh kisses him again. Tyler lets him and gets Josh to sit in his lap. Tongues entire twine with each other's as they fight for dominance for a bit but Tyler won. Josh gives up and lets Tyler dominate. Josh's weak body shiver under the dominant body. Tyler pulls back and looks back at Josh's eyes. His hand stay on his neck before sliding down a bit. "I love you no matter how you look, weight doesn't define who you are neither looks." Tyler tells him. Josh smiles at him before crashing their lips together again.

This has been in my drafts for a LONG time so I'm just gonna post it even though it isn't the best, this was from a few months ago but ye

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now