just kiss me

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i have a lot of drafts yet i wrote this in maybe 20 minutes just now. let me know if there's any mistakes. there's also a little romance toward the end which i feel is longer then the rest of the chapter 😪

"You should've seen the looks I got for that." Josh chuckled while walking around the mall with Tyler. It was rather empty that day with the few sighting of kids from their school. Tyler was anxious the entire time, scared of seeing his old crush there.

They went to a chick-fil-a in the cafeteria and ate, conversation flowing between the two. They talked about their new schedules and their hatred for some of the kids in school.

"I really hope I don't see Kristen here." Tyler said while his leg bounced and he looked around them.

"You need to let go of that, it's been 5 months since any shit has happened." Josh told the other while grabbing his hand. "You can't be affected by this any more Ty."

"I don't want them to think I still like 'em. I really fucking don't." Tyler spoke with a shaky sigh after. "I don't wanna see her." He related over and over.

"You're not going to alright?" Josh asked before finishing off his lemonade. Tyler nodded his head before they left the cafeteria area to walk around more and go into random stores.


After they left Hollister after joking about needing a whole flashlight to see anything in there, they walked around the middle area of the second floor to the smaller mall. They stood out of the way of people to look at Instagram for a bit and laugh at other posts.

Tyler looked up to say something to the other before seeing Kristen from across the mall. She was looking at him, making him swirl with anxiety.

"Kiss me."

"What?!" Josh asked after choking on his own spit.

"Kiss me." He repeated.

"Wait why? What? Tyler whats happening."

"Josh please." Tyler said with a slightly pink face. Josh searched Tyler's eyes to see how anxious and serious he was.

"Can you please just explain-"

Tyler grabbed the front of Joshs shirt to bring him down and have their lips meet. Josh froze for a second before placing his hand against Tyler's jaw. Tyler peaked from his closed eyes to see Kristen in disgust which made him relax and gently pull from the kiss.

Josh was still dazed at what just happened. He stood there staring down at Tyler.

"What the fuck was that." Josh spoke with a slight pink over his face.

"I saw Kristen and needed to let her know I'm over her."

"So you kissed me to show you dont like her and to make her disgusted cause she's homophobic?" Josh asked with a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, that was the entire point." Tyler responded.

"So you don't like me in that way?"

Tyler paused for a bit to think cause he never really thought about it. He left Josh in silence before he started to walk around the mall again, Josh following behind still confused.


"So you don't like me?"

"Oh my god will you shut up about it?" Tyler gently laughed while they were waiting for the placings on mario kart.

"I just wanna know! You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"Of course."

Josh stared at Tyler while the TV lit up with their characters, Josh placing in fourth and Tyler in second. He admired all the small details on Tyler's face.

"If you keep staring at me like that I might kiss you again." Tyler laughed before Josh kept looking at him. Tyler slightly faltered. "Wait do you.." He looked at the other. They both looked at each other.

"Can I kiss you again?" Josh quietly asked. Tyler moves closer to Josh. The taller gently cradled Tyler's chin, pressing their lips together. Tyler could faintly taste the lemonade from earlier.

The kiss slowly got deeper. Tyler sat in Joshs lap, gently moving their tongues against one another's. Josh's hands slowly made their way
to his hips and holding him closer.

Their noses slightly bumped together before Tyler accidentally whined when his hips were pushed forward by Josh unexpectedly. They pulled away after, panting with their forehead pressed together.

They sat in silence for a bit.

"What does this mean for us." Josh whispered. The other teen just sat there, not knowing what to say.

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora