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"Tyler you're gonna be fine." Brendon started to reassure the other teen that was pacing around.

"How the fuck do you know that? It's a pool party Bren," Tyler spoke while grabbing Brendons wrists and shaking them. "He's gonna have to see my skinny ass bone filled self." He said while shaking the others arms for violently.

"It's not a pool party, it's just a small get together, you're also not a fuckin skeleton. You got cake!" Brendon yelled the last word causing Tyler to shove him. The taller laughed when the latter had a pink face.

"Plus I have all this shit." He whined while grabbing the smallest amount of flab on his stomach. Brendon stares at him with a blank expression.

"There's nothing there Ty. We gotta get going." The brunette said while grabbing Tyler's wrist and bringing him down the hall toward the stairs to the garage.

"I need my shirt! Hold on," Tyler frantically said while twisting his arm away and back to his bedroom. When he came back out he had a big sweatshirt on that covered his entire torso in a mound of fabric.

"You're gonna overheat in that." Brendon said while going down the stairs.

"I can deal with that." Tyler muttered making the other chuckle.


"You're NOT forcing me in there. No, I can't have Josh seeing me like this." Tyler told Brendon with wide eyes. "Brendon Boyd- NO!"

He was thrown over the olders shoulder from the jeep while walking up the driveway to Josh's house.

"Fuck head! Let me go!" He was abruptly put on his feet while the doorbell was rung. "Brendon!-"

"Hey bitch," Brendon said with a smile to the redhead who opened the door.

"Well that's a greeting. Drinks in the kitchen, Sarah and Dallon are in the back as well as Breezy." Josh spoke while backing up to let the other two in. They walked toward the kitchen while Tyler trailed close to Brendon as he didn't want to leave his side and embarrass himself.

The smaller of the bunch grabbed a spiked lemonade, following the two outside. The small group cheered a bit while seeing the group going down the stairs to see them.

"Hold this for me Ty." Brendon said, shoving his beer into the disheveled adults hand while taking his shirt off and running into the pool. Sarah covered her face as water was splashed in her direction with Breezy.

Tyler walked around to the corner of the pool, greeting Dallon with a hug and saying hi to the two girls in the pool. He sat on the edge, putting his feet in the water, setting Brendons beer down next to him.

The more energetic of the bunch swam over to Sarah, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek and grabbing the beer next to the ledge to take a drink. Tyler watched as Josh took off his tank top and went into the pool.

He felt his face burning but took a drink from the lemonade to distract himself. The group talked while Tyler stayed to himself and drinking.

"Aren't you dying yet?" Dallon asked while wading in the pool next to Tyler. The latter shook his head even though he was dying from the sun beating down on him.

"Get in Ty, it feels great." Brendon mentioned but Tyler still refused. "Not my fault when you get heat stroke. But seriously Ty, at least take off the sweatshirt."

"N-no I'm fine, the water i-s cooling me off enough." Tyler muttered while moving his feet in the cool water.

"Take it off, take it off." Brendon started a small chant. The attention was now on the brunette, making him sweat more with anxiety, out beating the heat easily.

"Tyler, c'mon. No one here is going to judge you, we don't want you to overheat." Josh spoke from the other side of the pool causing Tyler's face to flush a darker red.

He reluctantly took off the heavy sweatshirt, setting it down behind him.

"Jesus fuck Ty," Brendon started. "I'm surprised you didn't pass out yet with the amount of sweat."

Tyler was starting to feel slightly overwhelmed with the attention and Dallon picked up on it and changed the subject. Tyler silently was thanking him for that.


Tyler finally had enough of sweating his ass off and was already slightly tipsy causing his confidence to go up a bit more. He slid into the pool, still hanging out close to Brendon. Breezy started to talk about their high school experience and how weird it was.

"I mean Josh, in a friend way, wasn't as hot as he is now." Breezy started to laugh making Josh shrug his shoulders.

"Can day I had a late glow up." Josh said while taking a sip from his white claw. Tyler's face went beet red at the mention of Josh. He looked up to accidentally make eye contact with other.

Tyler ended up choking on his drink slightly, turning away from the other while Brendon glances over. He started to laugh as Tyler was practically crying from how much he was coughing.

"You alright?" Knowing the truth already, Brendon asked while cracking up at his friend.

"Shut up." Tyler managed to get out while taking a big breath before coughing again. Sarah was chuckling from behind her own glass, knowing that Tyler liked Josh. He managed to finally relax enough to turn back to the group who was still talking.

"You guys want to order pizza?" Josh suggested while getting out of the pool to sit on the edge. Tyler stared at the bottom of the pool while everyone responded saying "yes"s.


The brunette had drank about 4 cups of the spiked lemonade at this point. He was watching whatever cliche movie was on while everyone ate their pizza on the couch. The brunette ended up stealing his friend from Sarah by sitting in top of him and nearly falling asleep with a chunk of pizza in his mouth.

He jolted up and ate the piece in his mouth before lazily looking around. He set his plate next to him before moving around to move into Brendon more.

"There's an entire couch next to me dude." He said while Tyler shifted around in the big sweatshirt. The smaller glanced over at the empty space with Josh at the end. He groaned before going into Brendon more.

He felt himself being pushed off his lap and onto the cooler couch. He mumbled small curses under his breath.

"There, lay on Josh." Brendon said with a small smirk.

"Shut." The small group chuckled a bit from the short lazy response. He was dragged so that his head was on Joshs lap. His face went a deep red before he decided to curl up on himself.

"Dallon can you pass me the blanket next to you?" Josh asked from across the big couch. The blanket was thrown over, slightly laying across Tyler before it was fixed to go over his frame.

He slowly fell asleep against the soft sweatpants Josh wore.


Tyler woke up, shoving himself upward as he was in a different place he didn't recognize.

i'm gonna leave this here, anyway fuck brendon, speak up and stop being silent.

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang