little update

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so i was just watching a callmecarson stream from a bit ago about fanfic and all that stuff. i wanted to kinda make it clear that when i write fanfic and about Tyler and Josh i kinda just use their names as a place holder? i don't envision them in my head anymore ESPECIALLY with Rosie and all of that. they are more of place holder names as i don't feel super comfortable with the idea of them actually being together irl in a way? i started this whole thing years ago and i'm still very connected to it but i no longer see actual Josh and actual Tyler in my head when reading or creating anything with them in it anymore.

I'm not gonna stop writing one shots and all of that as i love to write but i no longer envision them in my brain anymore and use it as place holder names. if i actually talk about them i tend to actually think of them but with fan fiction i have completely removed basically them from fanfic and real life.

Just kinda wanted to clear up where i'm at so yeah. i'm not leaving this fandom anytime soon but i felt like i needed to say that after watching carson's VOD cause it made me uncomfortable thinking about having someone else write fanfic about me doing shit to friends or having my family drawn into things that never happened. so yeahhhh

*Mainly* Joshler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now