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I could still feel him. I knew he had stayed there with me. Chase had carried my half-asleep self up to my bed. Who made sure my hair wasn't covering my face as I slept. The one who took the blanket off of the chair in the corner and tucked it around me. Chase climbed up next to me. Who lay there with his arms around my waist. And most of all, Chase had kissed me on the cheek before tiptoeing out of the room. Part of me felt glad he had left; another part wished he had stayed until my dad got home.

Through a sleepy haze, I could hear him cleaning. Dishes clattering in the sink, being filed into the dishwasher. Again, I wished that stayed here with me. I heard the front door creak shut. I guess dad hadn't gotten around to fixing that this summer. I knew he'd left me alone, and didn't like it.

After a minute, I climbed out of my bed and over to my desk, under the window that faced right into his room. Opening my curtain, I his curtain open as well. Wrapping the blanket tighter around my shoulders, I waited. Chase came into his room, and I sat there watching. He looked upset as he flicked on his light. Out of habit, I reached over for my phone to make sure he was okay, but remembered he thought I had fallen asleep.

Just watching him gave me goose bumps. He started pacing again as he un-buttoned his shirt and took it off. I sat there and observed what I could. His chest looked broader and more defined, his arms creased with muscle and his abdomen looked more defined than I remembered. Yep, he had gained some of that over the summer. Drawing the blanket tighter, I kept watching him and remembering the feeling of him against me, and it felt like a lifetime ago, instead of an hour.

Then, I saw him look over at my window. Maybe out of habit? Did he ever watch me like I watched him? His eyes flicked up for just a quick glance at first, but then he looked back up and looked closer and actually saw me. He looked confused at first, but then he smiled. I reached over to turn on my lamp as he waved, and I waved back. He looked down and noticed his bare chest, blushing a deep red. As he scrounged for a shirt, I had to laugh. More watching, and I saw him reach for his phone. Mine danced across my nightstand a few seconds later. Apparently he had taken it out of my pocket, hadn't felt that one. As expected, my phone identified Chase as the caller.

"Hey, you, I thought you had fallen asleep!" He sat at his desk, watching me with an amused smile on his face.

I faked a yawn. "Nope, but I'm pretty beat now."

We laughed.

"You always know just what to say to make me feel better, Kate." He stared straight at me out his window. After a second, I could feel the heat rise into my cheeks.

"Chase, stop staring at me. You're making me blush!" It took him a second to realize what I was talking about. He blinked hard and then looked at his desk.

Clearing his throat he asked, "So what does the weary traveler what to do tomorrow?" His eyes gazed back up to me.

"Soccer in the park?" I caught his eye.

"Prepare to lose then, my dear." A look of shock crossed my face.

"Did you just call me 'my dear?" I hoped he couldn't see me blush.

Chase leaned back in his chair and stretched. "Yeah, I guess I did. Either way, prepare to lose."

Just then, my dad pulled into the driveway. "Chase? I should go, my dad just pulled in."

He looked up at me with a fake pout, "Oh, okay. I'll let you go. I'll be at your house around four?"

"Sure, see you then." We hung up. I couldn't help but notice the smile on Chase's face as he shut his curtain.

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