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I'd been gone all weekend at a tournament. Two second after I put my gym bag down on my floor, a knock sounded on the door. Without my even touching the handle, it flew open. Amanda came through and threw herself at me.

"Oh, god, I missed you." She murmured before kissing me. Her hips pressed against mine and I lifted her off the ground. I had missed her too, I guess.

My door had just clicked shut with my signal to Lance to stay out on the handle when I heard a shriek from the hallway. I hadn't heard that excited of a shriek in about two years. Since I picked her up from the airport. Andy lived down the hall from me, so I felt almost positive that Kate had shown up to see Andy, much like Amanda came here to see me. Did Kate popping up all the time bother me? There was no need to ask, since I tried my best at falling out of love with her. Amanda helped. We met in a psychology class and hit it off. She seemed like a nice distraction from Kate, even if we just screws around without commitment. Like I said, I took full responsibility for acting like a jerk. Besides, Kate and Andy had finally taken it out of the dorm room since Lucy lived with her now. And somehow, it still got to me. Amanda slid off my hips before I realized I had stopped kissing her when I heard Kate. Pulling away she saw the look on my face.

"Oh, I see how it is." She tried to slap me and walked out the door.

I heard some bickering in the hall, followed by soft consoling. I knew the voices. It sounded like Amanda bickered with Kate, and then Kate consoling Andy. All completely my fault, and I knew it. A door slammed, and then another knock on my door. There stood Kate, looking slightly disheveled and pissed.

"Chase, give it up. I know Amanda thinks you want another chance with me, but let me tell you something. Nothing else is going to happen between us ever again. Definitely not a relationship, and not even sex. I tried being friends with you, but obviously that didn't work. There never was an us, there never will be an us."

"That's not what I've heard. I mean, you and I haven't gotten together in forever, and people can still sense the tension." I gave her a playful smile, grabbing her. I tried to kiss her, but she pushed away and I got my second slap of the hour.

"If I ever see you again, I'll make sure to have a bucket of ice with me." She stormed out of the dorm.

Slumping against the doorway, I felt like slapping me as well. I deserved that second slap. It hurt. I acted like a jerk, to both Kate and not to mention Amanda. I knew nothing would ever come of me and Kate, that what we had was a thing of the past. Besides, and I really cared about Amanda, even if we didn't have a label. But Kate just looked so cute when she got mad.

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