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"Hey Kate, it's Lucy. I just thought I'd let you know that I landed and stopping at the store before I got to your place for stuff for our little hangout this weekend. If you can think of anything you need call me back and let me know! Can't wait to see you, Kate."

I sighed as I hung up my call to my voicemail. Leaning back into my pillows, I noticed they still smelled like him; the only thing that solved the major stomachache I had. That smell that all boys seem to have, a combination of shaving cream and cologne, or what ever they wore. Then something that seemed like a strictly Chase scent. Something that I had only ever noticed with him. I realized had forgotten to wash my pillowcases. Slowly sitting back up, I dialed Lucy as I stripped my pillows and reached under my bed for my clean set. Not so nice on my stomach. I reached into my closet for his shirt, and sat on my bed, holding it.

"You have amazing timing, the bus just stopped in front of the store. Can I get you anything?"

I choked a bit as I whispered "A pregnancy test."

I had definitely caught Lucy off guard. "Shit. Seriously Kate? Are you for real? Who?"

"Who what? I don't understand what you're asking."

"Kate, you know what I'm talking about. You freaking go to Yale, but I know you do more than study. Who did you... sleep with?

Smiling at the memory I whispered "Chase Underhill."

"He's at Yale? Kate, why didn't you tell me? You know what, never mind. I'll talk to you when I get to your place. I'm just walking into the store." She hung up.

Still holding the pillowcases, I gave them one last sniff before tossing them in the hamper. I wanted to remember that smell. Then in a moment of weakness, I reached into my closet and grabbed Chase's shirt that I'd stolen. I had hung it up in the back of my closet after I had woken up alone on Sunday afternoon. Cramps washed over me yet again, and it made me nervous of what they could mean.

Flopping back down on my bed, I held the shirt to my chest and tried to make myself happy so I wouldn't freak out over the possibility of me being... pregnant. my phone rang again. I picked it up without looking at who it was.


The person on the other side of the line let out a laugh. I knew that laugh. I'd heard it many times over the course of not very long. It made me roll onto my side and curl into a ball; the only thing to make the aching in my stomach lessen. "No, it's Chase. Um, how are you?" It seemed like such a stupid and casual question to ask after everything we'd gone through, but I didn't know what else he could have asked.

"Not bad." I lied. I knew I couldn't tell him about a potential pregnancy could tell him over the phone. If I told him now, he would rush over here before I could tell him not to. Even if I did, he wouldn't listen, I knew him too well to assume that. He didn't need to show up here for this. I could tell him later. I hung his shirt back up, and tried to act as normal as possible.

"Glad to hear it. Uh, I just called to ask if you would want to meet me at Crazy Pete's tonight. Say around seven?"

Oh, shit. He wanted to see me? I guess I should feel relieved after he had left that weekend and not said a word to me since, but I couldn't see him if everything went off track. At least I had a solid excuse. "I actually have Lucy staying with me this weekend. She's seeing if she's insane enough to want to come here." I laughed and tried to act normal and ignore the cramping that only seemed to be getting worse, "How about same time Sunday evening, if that works for you?" I felt my face tighten. Why did I want to see him? Then again, he should probably know why Lucy wasn't there with me at that moment.

"Sure. I'll see you then, Kate." I heard a smile in his voice. And with that, he hung up. There, just what I thought. As if nothing had happened.

Well, hopefully.

I heard a knock on the door, and I ran over and flung it open. Lucy held up a bag, and then gave me a huge hug.

Stepping over to my bed, she sat down, and then quickly stood back up, terrified look on her face.

"Don't worry, I washed my sheets." I laughed. As far as I knew, Lucy had never had sex, but I never thought the idea of sitting on a bed where two people had had sex would freak her out that much.

Sitting back down, bag in her lap, she pulled out a bottle of water and the pregnancy test. Tossing the water at me, she pelted me with questions.

"So Chase is at Yale?" She asked, settling back into my pillows.

"Yeah, he is." I broke the seal on the water bottle.

"How did this happen?"

Telling her the story, minus the graphic details, Lucy got really red.

"I have sort of a... personal question to ask, if that's okay" She added the last part in a rush, her face reddening a bit.

"Of course. What's up?" I chugged from the bottle, impatient for an answer.

"Does sex..." She sighed and looked away, and I had no idea someone's face could get that red but it did "Does it hurt?"

I giggled a bit. I had spent so much time focusing on books instead of boys, and this conversation seemed like something that would happen in high school. "Uh, the first few times, sure. After a while, I wasn't really thinking about it."

"'The first few times'?" Lucy bolted upright, "How many times did you- Never mind I don't wanna know!" Lucy waved her hands in front of her as if she had to fight off the answer.

"All I know is, I think Chase and I could get labeled nymphos after this weekend, I mean..." I trailed off, and Lucy went right where I knew she would. Enough that we had run out of condoms, but seemed too stupid to stop since I'd taken the pill long enough to not need protection, and thought we were covered. Obviously not literally. No wonder I thought I was... pregnant. Stupid Chase and his sexy laugh. I had heard it so much growing up that I had barely even thought about it. But now? It's effect made me think that maybe I really become a nympho.

"Ohmigod, Kate, I hate you right now. I so hate you" she flopped back onto my bed and stuck her face in my pillows.

I chuckled and finished off the last of my water "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go pee on a stick."

Those few minutes felt like the longest of my life. So much happened. I didn't have to wait for the test to give me the answer. Bright red blood appeared on the toilet paper, letting me know my period had arrived. The coloring wasn't normal for my period, but I chalked the coloring and its reason for coming late up to stress over Chase and the new semester. Quickly washing my hands, I hollered for Lucy.

She came rushing in "What? Is it negative? Oh, no, it's positive." The color drained from her face.

"I didn't have to wait for the test! I just got my period!"

Just to be sure, Lucy took a look at the test. "Kate, I'd take a look at this again." The test had been positive. I didn't even know that could happen. I'd read about it in biology books, but I'd never actually known it to happen in real life.

I started to cry. "Luce, what do I do now? Do I tell Chase? Or do I spare him since it would appear I just lost it? I mean, I'm not... pregnant." I didn't know why I cried so much over this.

Lucy came to give me a hug, "Tell him."

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