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I had some random studying playlist blasting from the speakers on my laptop, and attacked my world history homework. In the midst of the instrumental crap, there was a burst of the Beatles. Something I hadn't heard in a while. My brain took a second to realize it was my phone. Kate Jackson, calling me. I hadn't heard from her since... who knows how long? I pressed ignore and kept reading the chapter on Bloody Mary.

A minute later, my phone sang out again, letting me know I had a voicemail. She wouldn't call me now, let alone leave me a voicemail, unless it seemed urgent. I skimmed the rest of the chpater, barely even comprehending what I read, paused the music, and scooped my phone out from my sweatshirt pocket. I could feel myself getting jittery has the phone rang, and she answered right away, but I could barely understand what said.

I just heard Kate sobbing. She said something about Yale, Brown, Harvard, Princeton, and fight with Andy which resulted in more sobs. She asked me to come over right away because she could only talk with me.

My initial instinct was that I had to go help her. Then I realized that Kate had broken my heart, just as Andy had done to hers. But she called me. She'd become my best friend first, followed by "the like of my life." I dropped my phone into my pocket and ran to her house. I knew she had started hanging out with Lucy more often now that we weren't speaking, but she had still come to me.

Mr. Jackson answered, "Nice to see you again, Chase. Kate's in her room, or she was the last time I checked. Go on up,"

"Thanks Mr. Jackson." Apparently Kate hadn't told her dad what had happened between her and me after she got back.

Reaching her room, I saw that Kate in a heap on her bed in her blankets. I didn't want to disturb her, so I crept over to her bed and sat down in the edge. She stirred anyway. I kicked off my shoes and sat cross legged on her bed. Slowly, the mound of blankets came closer to me and Kate's face

"Chase, I'm so sorry about that message it's- I just- I didn't mean to call-" Kate bobbed back and forth rambling. Suddenly she rested her head on my knee and sobbed.

"Kate, what happened?" I pulled her up she that her head rested on my shoulder and legs across my lap. This may have been more than likely a mistake, but I wanted her to know she wasn't alone, and I liked that I had an excuse to hold her again, as terrible as it may be.

"And-Andy broke up with me!" She wailed into my neck. "I-I told him what colleges I had gotten in to and-and-and he's mad about P-Princeton, me not getting in and all. I g-g-guess h-he just snapped."

I laughed to myself. "Well Kate, if Princeton decided not to take you, then they are imbeciles, and that's that. As for Andy, he's, well, whatever word you feel is appropriate." I felt bad bashing a good friend like this.

Kate burst out with the half laughing, half crying number. "That's exactly what my dad said."

"Not about Andy?"

"He doesn't know. And please don't get mad at him. Andy's a sweet guy, but you know that. He's just hurt and upset and he-" She stopped herself short.

"And he what?" I pondered

Kate cleared her throat, "Andy thinks I want to go to Yale because that's where you're going to go."

I smiled, despite the sobbing friend. I remembered that promise. Although I knew Mr. Jackson would never let his daughter go to Yale being a Brown man and all, I still intended to keep my half of it if I got in.

"I can't believe you remember that." I rubbed her back and tried to calm her down.

"Well, I do." She scoffed

"Am I the reason you're going to Yale?"

I could feel Kate shake her head. "No, I'm going because that's where my mom wanted me to go."

She looked up at me, and I looked down at her. Kate sat up straighter. I felt drawn to her. She had changed so much. Not only during her time in Maine, but also during the time she had dated Andy as well. I didn't notice myself feeling drawn to her, both in my head and reality. Our noses touched, her lips parted, and I wanted to kiss her when a knock snapped us both back to reality. Kate pushed herself away from me with an apologetic look on her face.

"Come in!" She hollered, and her dad opened the door.

"Hey, guys, I'm about to go to bed, so I'm afraid that Chase is going to have to leave. Sorry." He shut the door behind him.

I stood up to leave, but Kate grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Chase, wait." She tugged me on the arm and kissed me. This time I wasn't dreaming. It had all ended as soon as it had started. She pulled away and sighed. "Shit. I'm sorry Chase. I should not have done that."

I stood up straight again and looked at her. "It's okay. I get it. You're mad and upset. You needed a way to cope. Honestly, better me than his bother or something." I turned to leave again.

"Chase?" Kate whispered.

"What?" I felt a little frustrated now.

"Thanks. And again, I'm sorry."

Without looking back I said, "What are friends for?" I left with a smile on my face. I'd kissed Kate again. Maybe the circumstances seemed shitty, but it still felt great. I felt bad for enjoying it so much, but she had been the one to kiss me this time. It wasn't very good progress, but progress nonetheless. 

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