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Still holding her hand, I led Kate to a quieter part of campus. She didn't stop fighting me for her hand back, but I wouldn't let her go. Eventually she quit, especially after I told her Amanda and I had broken up. She wore that same little green dress she had worn to our high school graduation, and it still brought out the same sparkle in her eye. I had to touch her.

When we had gotten away from the crowds, I stopped and just stared at her. Yes, I wanted to do this, no going back. I only had one shot, and I had to get it right. I took both of her hands in mine.

"Chase, are you okay? What's going on? Something wrong?"

"No, will you just shut up for once in your life?" I smiled so she knew she could relax.

"Okay." She sounded nervous, her hand stayed as still as a rock in mine.

Sighing, I gave her hands a light squeeze. "Kate, I'm so sorry. For everything. I've done more things to hurt you in the past few years; I can't even remember all of them. I never wanted to see you sad, let alone have it be my fault. You see, I still feel like it's my job to protect you. Keep you safe from all the guys out there. And that's what I want to do. Forever. I wasn't lying when I told you that I loved you. It wasn't just because you got pregnant either. I think you know that I would never, ever lie to you."

I got down on one knee. Kate's eyes got wide, and her mouth opened with shock.

"Katherine Jackson, I am in love with you. You make me crazy, and I've come to realize it's because I love you so much."

Kate smiled, and I saw her tear up a bit, "I love you, too." She pulled the laughing and crying number she often did when she felt overwhelmed, and covered her face with one of her hands.

I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the ring I had carried with me for weeks. I looked up at her again, and she seemed still shaken, but her smile kept getting bigger and bigger.

"So, Katherine Renee Jackson, would you do me the biggest favor ever, and marry me?"

Because of You, Well, UsWhere stories live. Discover now