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I thought she wanted me to tell her. I thought she had wanted me to kiss her. And then it hit me. Kate had ditched me. Here I was, sitting under a tree on a blanket. Alone, deserted by the girl I liked.

Without thinking, I pulled my guitar into my lap. At least Kate helped me improve my playing skills. I had never noticed how relaxing playing felt. I played whatever came to my mind, happy or sad, it didn't matter. I started to play a little louder and singing under my breath. I never took the time to see who had their windows open and able to hear me.just living in my own little musical world. That is, until a little blue light caught my attention.

An officer not much older than me strolled up to me, sweeping his mag light across my face.

"Evening, son. Or should I say morning?"

Glancing at my watch, I noticed the time, almost three in the morning. I guess I had lost myself in my playing a little too much.

"Hello officer." I said, trying to sound calmer than I felt and failing.

"I got a complaint from down the street from someone. She said something about someone singing and playing an instrument? I'm sorry son, but I'm going to have to have to ask you to pick up and leave."

I did as he said, "I'm so sorry officer, I started playing and just lost track of time. Again, I'm so sorry."

He gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Just make sure it never happens again, son."

Despite being peeved at myself over losing track of time, this officer referring to me as "son." After he knew saw me leaving, he went his way and I went mine.

Upon entering my house, I saw my mom sitting at the table, glass of milk in hand, which was something she did when she couldn't sleep.

"Trouble sleeping?" I asked, sitting down.

Mom looked up at me and frowned. "No, some wise guy thought it would be cool to sit outside and-" she stopped herself mid sentence. I followed her gaze to my guitar case and laughed.

She had been the one to call the cops on me.

Mom laughed out loud, "I'm so sorry, Chase. You didn't get into any trouble, did you?"

"No, he just asked me to leave, so I did. For now, I think it's best if I just go to bed. Goodnight." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed upstairs.

That's what people would call a comic relief to a not so good day.

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