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"Sweetie, you have to come with us. You've sat here all day. You can't sit here all night." Ellen pleaded.

Sighing, I threw my pen back onto my desk. I'd come back early from break because of all of this homework, not socialization. My grades had slipped a bit in the first semester, and getting my grades back up to my standard had become my top priority. I coming back early meant I could get some quiet before everyone came back for classes. Kind of nerdy, I know, but better than nothing.

"Please? You're already gotten rid of your writing tool. And we'll leave whenever you're ready. The shop closes at ten anyway. You'll still have plenty of time to do homework once you come back. Please? It's just Lance's roommate."

Raising my hands in surrender, I got up. "Fine, I'll go, but only if you promise not to make out in front of me. And if I get bored, I'm leaving."

Ellen squealed a note only known to dogs as she threw my coat and scarf in my face and half-dragged me down the stairs.

Ellen had been trying to get me to go with her to hear this guy who played at an off campus coffee shop, all semester. The two of them loved his music, and he also happened to be Lance's roommate. The two of them boasted of his skills, and how he drew a large crowd. She had told me some of the songs he had covered, all songs I liked, so I had promised her I would go to one of his shows with her this semester, hoping she would forget over the duration of the break. I didn't think she would make me cash in my promise this soon.

Opening the door, whiffs of coffee and tea tickled my nose. Chattering people, clinking mugs and soft jazz acted as the soundtrack. Ellen waved at someone who I couldn't see and weaved in and out of the throngs of people and chairs.

Sitting next to Lance, the three of us made small talk until the owner, Crazy Pete himself, waked up onto the stage. I tuned out what he said until I heard two small, little words. "Chase Underhill." And then I saw him sitting on a stool behind Pete. The stage lights washed him out, but I still recognized Chase. I'd seen him hunch over his guitar too many times to ever forget that form, and I recognized his glasses. I felt my stomach clench and I knew I had to get out.

So the friend of Lance's she wanted me to see, ended up as Chase. In Ellen's defense, she had known nothing of the past I had with Chase. I liked her just fine, but we never really got to that level of friendship. She was more of someone I only turned to when I needed someone to go to the dinning hall with me, or a gym buddy, or someone with whom to bitch about awful professors. I tapped Ellen on the shoulder "I have to go. I just remembered that I have even more homework than I thought I did." I dug through my purse for my phone. It all made sense as to why the songs he played were my favorites. They became my favorites because I liked the way Chase played them. I remembered one time when I had made him find some way to record the songs I liked and make me a CD for my birthday. I'd felt so foolish asking for it at the time, but it had helped more than he knew after my mom died.

Ellen stopped me, "Relax, Kate, he hasn't even started. You're only a freshman, you still have plenty of time to get your grades up before they really count."

"No, it's not that. It's-" I started, my words cut short by the sound of Chase starting to play, and the crowd erupting in cheers.

Ellen grabbed my hand "Kate, this is his best song. You have to stay. You have to listen to him."

I knew this as his best song. I'd heard him play it a million times before. Memories of talking to Chase while I couldn't, him plinking at his guitar gently, trying to help me greet sleep flooded my mind. I didn't even bother to tell Ellen or Lance that I left. I just ordered my coffee to go, and left.

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