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Knowing my best friend had lost it sucked. Knowing she had lost it because of something I had done sucked even more. Knowing I couldn't take that thing back and make it better, sucked even more. I also knew that no matter how much she would have begged me to, I wouldn't have taken it back. I didn't want to, even if this bothered me, I knew I couldn't keep my feelings to myself anymore All because I had let my emotions get the best of me, and kissed her. I felt so helpless. The person I would have called when I felt like this was Kate. I think she would have rather I just went and crawled into my grave right now.

Heading into the basement, I picked up my guitar. I played without thinking, and I found myself playing all of Kate's favorites after a bit. I had to laugh at myself, feeling just a bit pathetic on this front.

That struck an idea, though. Before I could think twice, I got my phone, dialed Kate's cell, and put it on speaker. I knew she wouldn't pick up for me.

Her phone went straight to voicemail. As soon as it beeped for me to leave a message, I strummed the opening chords for Kate's favorite at the moment. Something about a guy not meaning to have gone as far as they did. Despite it being far too typical for the situation, I knew it might work, and I had to try. And I sang. I never sang for anybody.

I just sang the first half, hoping I still had time; I brought the phone closer to my mouth. "Kate, I'm still not sorry for what I did. What I am sorry for is hurting you. I hate myself for doing that. And I hope you'll forgive me. Not now, not even next week, but some day. You have every right to feel pissed and to take you time. Just please don't stay mad at me? I don't know what I'd do for senior year without you. Night Kate."

A huge rush of relief came over me as I hung up. All I had to do now was wait, and I knew Kate would be worth the wait. 

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