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I woke up to my mom gasping. Looking down, I saw Kate in my bed and had woken up to her as well.

"What's going on here?" Mom exclaimed "Since when are you two together and what took you so long?" At the last part, Kate shot out of bed and tried to explain.

"Mrs. Underhill, it's not what it looks like. We're not together. Never have been, and never will be. Ever."

My mom sighed, "Well, I guess Chase forgot to tell you that all he could talk about for the past three months. He said 'Kate this and Kate that.' I told him not to get his hopes up for when you got back. Anyway, I just came to say hello before I left for work."

Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was a little after eight. Mom said I would get discharged that afternoon and she would come there to take me home.

After she left a few minutes later, I glanced over at Kate, who sat back in her chair by the window. I could tell things had changed. As much as I hoped she hadn't, I could tell Kate had noticed what my mom had said about my missing her over the summer. I figured now was as good of a time as any to tell her the truth.

"The view's much better over here, you know." I teased

"Really? You've never sat here before. You've stayed in that bed the whole time you've been here." Kate's voice sounded plain, and then she seemed to put it together that I meant her and she started blushing bright red.

"Come back." I said waving her over.

"Since when did you get to boss me around." She teased. She got up from her chair anyway. Sitting down and easing back by me, we were as if my mom had ever waltzed in. I made sure to hold her as close and tight as I could without hurting myself.

"I guess you've kind of put it together that I have a thing for you. Mom just kind of let that one fly." It scared me how calm I seemed while I said all of this. I had thought telling Kate would scare the shit out of me, but maybe the drugs helped, or maybe this counted as my body's way of telling me it was now or never.

"Just a little thing. Something that'll pass in no time, right?" I heard fear in her voice Even though she had no reason to be, every muscle in her body tensed, and despite all of my efforts to calm her down, she wouldn't relax.

"No," I said, breathing in her smell. "It's a big thing. I have a big thing for you." I tried to look down to read her face, but I just saw the red of her hair. I knew I shouldn't have said that the second she became even more tense. Then again, it felt good to have everything out in the open.

"Oh." Her response almost inaudible. I didn't think she had expected that much. "Chase, I-" she started to say, but there a short knock on the door signaled the same nurse fro the night before. She was right on cue.

I heard her gasp, and Kate jumped off the bed again, and rushed to get her stuff from the chair. "I'm so sorry. I'm new at this and not used to seeing people... in these beds together. I figured since there wasn't anyone- I mean- I'm just sorry."

"No, it's okay. I'm on my way out." With a wave, Kate left.

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