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--------------------------------------- PROLOGUE ----------------------------------------------

Seventeen seconds, four minutes and two hours.

That is  how long it took for Alex to feel it. They are taking hold of her. Possessing her. She's too young. And she doesn't have much time to manifest.


It was all up in flames. Curling and swirling in shades of red and blue. That was all she could take in. No heat. The tears only streamed on and on.


"Don't leave me, don't leave me..." she mumbled, her small fists pressed against her bloodshot eyes.

There was nothing I could do. The laws were clear. Possession by force: forbidden by any grounds; the first saarists of mortal and immune.

She is powerful, my daughter. One of the very few Aagneyi of mortal birth. It been only seven years and the Specter has already started. And not the ordinary kind I presume. We're tied to hell, that's what my lineage tells you. And I don't suppose it's willing to change any time soon. Her mother was a pure mortal, in heart and soul. And so is she.

There is not much time left. Her dark eyes are so restless, constantly moving. She keeps on crying in her sleep. In silence. There is not much her brother can do for her either. He having no trace of demonic blood, is still quite immune to fire like his little sister. But unlike her he is free to choose. My poor girl.

After all these years he still hasn't forgotten our feud. It was never meant to go this far, let alone involve my children.

Alex has to reach home before it's dark or it might get worse. She needs to be treated. She hasn't had enough time to manifest to her new conditions.

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