#34 Demons inside.

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In that moment I felt a tug, a small barely detectable tug. My vision swirled in color and form, scents and feelings racing through me. The scene changed swiftly, of me with my face wet with tears and hand half stretched to a figure in black, the background a hazy white. In a flash I was kneeling at the foot of structure of rock and jewel, chained at my feet, the strange scent of fruit lingering in the air. Then again I was standing at a cliff overseeing the ocean, back in California, my hand held by the tall black figure. Then back again.

With my eyes furiously bared to Jazz's.

He showed nothing but mild irritation and frustration. He lowered his hood and walked towards me, his eyes a few inches below mine. "Remember your place. Demon." He whispered, practically spewing fire with the last words.

Then I feel it.

The slight tug. I see it. In his distracting amethyst eyes. The way they darken, plunging in to deeper shades of blue and then back. He stepped back but I caught his shoulder. And I whispered in a voice unlike mine. "Speak like at again and I'll cut off your tongue."

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