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Why am I so lost each and every time out here?

Apparently quite a lot went down in the past 8 hours I partially missed. And don't get me wrong when I say "A lot".

Somehow after the two-ish days I've spent in 2nd realm (that's what Lady Foxy tail called it), I'm already wanted!

By some queen that is.

Besides that point want does 2nd realm even mean? That all I thought about as I tied the laces of my shoes, getting ready to go to some far off country with Lav and the Chinadoll; on a quest!

I heard a snort. More clearly, a Chinadoll snort. I turned my head back to find Jazz, trying his hardest to suppress his laughter. I glare.

He coughed off his laugh. "Sorry-Sorry, just came down to tell you it's time to go."

I cursed under my breath. That brat.

I continued on my packing when Jazz stopped half way out of the room. Without turning back he questioned me, his tone filled with hatred and disgust, "And stop acting so lost."

His voice cut through the air with cold-blooded hate sending chills down my spine. It wasn't any louder than a whisper. The word that rang as his footsteps echoed down the corridor.



It was an odd sort of power. I thought, climbing down the transparent glass staircase to the front door. More or less.

How can someone with a sweet, honey like voice turn the air to ice. I tried to imagine his eyes, those seas of violet, turn ice hard like his voice.

"You ready?" Lav's bubbly voice was unmistakable and I crushed her for a change, slightly bruising her arm.

"Someone's in a good mood" she stated, rubbing her arms.

We were walking through a walkway in the forest, the intoxicating scent in the wind was sweet. So very sweet. I inhaled sharply. "Why is it so sweet?!" This was supposed to sound like a normal question but came out sounding like a person being strangled.

" Oh, that..." she paused, finding for the right words. Then she declared "You'll get over it!" like I was some kind of teenager going through a phase.

I looked at her for a moment, questioning her sanity. If there's anything I've learned from staying here, it's that it's better to just shut up and sleep when you don't get it. And in thos case, walk.

"Where's Jazz?"

I blurted that out before I could think. But Lav seemed very chill. "Oh, he left earlier. We'll meet him there." She continued, frolicking like a puppet.

"How we gonna get there?" where ever 'there' was. Lady fox head just refused to tell me, which irritated me in a very high degree.

"Teleport." Obviously! We were gonna ...teleport?

"Don't worry" she assured. "I know a guy."

That's right. That's what I was SOOOOOOO worried about!

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