#25 Lions and foxes

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Then back.

I blinked .Once. Twice. I was back sitting infront of Lady Eryka. Her white fox ears were now sticking out of her hair. "Alex" She called at me, her smile bright and unchanged. "You have history in .." She glanced at her watch. "Three minutes. Now go."

My legs moved on their own, forcibly moving me like a robot until I was standing face to face with a class door with an unreadable title. Like the plate on my wrist. Perfect!

As if on cue, the door flung open just when I thought about bunking. I was greeted by a 5 foot tall lion. A lion- headed creature that is. My brows flew up in surprise as I stumbled back. I throat felt unusually dry. The lion wore a pin stripped suit with went along well with its grey stroked mane. The lion looked me up and down, his eyes catch at my wrist with the metal plate on it. I offered it to him slightly hesitant. I mean.. who 'offers' their dang hand to a lion?!!

The lion rolled his eyes and inspected the plate in his human hands and nodded his head in realization. "Ah. So you're the new student?" He glanced at the plate and murmured in a bit of a scandalized tone. He gestured me into the class which was obviously filled with students. I recognized a few from earlier at Mr. Kent's lesson. Most of them looked at me in confused like how they look at a lost kid- which I am if I have to remind you.

He cleared his throat, his voice loud and clear in the amphitheatre shaped room. "Students. This is Alex Summers. Aagneya of year two. She our newest transfer." He smirked slightly at that. I seated myself next to a hooded girl at the back who seemed to be more interested in completing the harry potter series than actually paying attention in class.

"Today class, we're going to talk about Lady Sief Wals. The first ever queen of 2nd realm. Anyone ?"

A girl with a curly bush of dark hair stood and explained. "Lady Seif was the first saarist to ever be. Who created a balance between the demons of the realm who tormented the life of mortals for millenials." What is a saarist?

"Thank you, Reem." Lion head turned to the black board and tapped at it. the board expanded to cover the entire wall. Scattered on the wall was the same old writing from earlier with a giant picture of a woman encased in glass. The woman from earlier. Her gossamer dress now even mor cleared than earlier. So it was more like HD ver. Her skin was a warm shade of brown with a sprinkle of freckles across her nose. A long scar ran along her right arm from shoulder to wrist. Now it struck me. She looked familiar. Like an old memory from the past. She was the one at the fire.


A/N : just an odd question, silver or gold?

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