#12 Kitsune

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But at the end of the day, I found myself in the headmistress's office. Nice place I got to admit. The room was beige and had ceiling to floor window instead of a wall on the right.

At the very end of the room was where Miss cloak- head was seated. She didn't have her cloak on. In fact I thought I saw it hung on a peg stand. Without it she looked even more motherly. She was writing something on a sheet when she noticed I was there.

"Oh, Alexandra. Come take a seat." She offered with a friendly smile.

"Alexander" I auto corrected.

She raised a brow, slightly amused. And gestured to the chair in front of her.

"I am Lady Eryka. It nice to meet you." Her smile was indeed very warm.

"Same" I replied. My eyes drifting off to the window. It was quite a view.

"I know you're confused about all ... this. And taking the fact that you've never been here is also a problem. Um... speaking of that, how old are you?" What is she talking about?

"I'm thirteen" I groaned.

"Alex" she said "You are different from the other you know. You are what we call a half-demon."

"So my mom's a demon? That would explain so much.

"No, no. you are capable of hosting demons. One of which you will take help from. They have no physical form. But we have the capability of possession. On them." She looked hopeful. Her eyes were gleaming with power. Was that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?

"And I thought it was only my eyes that were going bonkers" I said to myself, propping my arm on the armrest.

 Once again she looked at me, clearly amused. Then smirked. "Really, how so?"


I laughed bitterly. How so? HOW SO?!!! My, my. Now this lady here knew how to get on my nerves.

I felt my gaze turn steel cold. My voice dropped deep. "Why would you want to know?"

She cleared her throat.

"Now there's no reason to quarrel, is there? Tell me how you got here." She said, still smiling.

I folded my legs and started my story. Lady Eryka occasionally scribbled something down on her papers. And when I heard myself narrate, I realized how ridiculous all this was.

What the hell have I gotten myself in to?

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