#24 What are you?

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After getting slapped then rib-crushed by Lavendar, I was informed about the fact that I was allegedly missing for 8 hours and 39 minutes.

I was called to Lady Eryka's office once again. She was sitting on the beige sofas and swapped the white gown and cloak for a black suit. She was intensely examining a map on the glass table in front of her. When she did notice I was there she waved a hand and the map rolled up and sat itself at the edge of the table.

"Alex." She said. "Take a seat" She gestured in front of her. I took my seat and reluctantly looked up. But her smile put me at ease, she looked much younger with her hair let down so it ran straight along her shoulders. I ran my fingers through my ragged short hair which somehow came out of its tie.

I let out a shaky breath. But then the smile was gone. In a second it was replaced with a smile filled with ferial amusement. Her eyes wide and wild. Then it changed bake.

" You're a mortal from first realm right?" she asked casually. I blinked. I looked like she was speaking a foreign language. "Earth." She implied."You are not from around these parts are you?"

I nodded grimly. My eyes were set at the bottom of the table where some sort of stick muck laid undisturbed. My gazed was then ripped away by invisible force that force my face to lady Eryka. " You're already half demon." She said more to herself than me. She caught hold of my chin and inched closed so her breath grazed my skin. Ferial as ever she asked "How?"

My guts knotted and the room began to spin.

When it did eventually stop it was dark. Like pitch black.

Overhead a voice boomed which made my spine stiffen. "Now let's see...." an enormous white screen twice my size appeared. " What you are..." Images whisked past the screen. Many had a medieval vibe. Well all of them actually.

"Aha!" The whisking halted. On the screen was an image of a woman encase in a glass coffin. Dressed in a gossamer gown that shone like pearls. Her strawberry blonde hair was laid around her in waves that fell to her knees. She was very beautiful.

" Wait, this is wrong. Why is this here!??" she exclaimed. A fox popped out of nowhere and growled at me. Its nine tails looked like they were dipped in to white paint. I fell back and scrambled as the fox bore its razor teeth at me. The fox's tails coiled it and the fox turned into a girl. A women actually. Lady Eryka stood in front of me, looking four times younger in Japanese fur robes and fox ears sticking out of her hair. Her braided and coiled up hair.

a kitsune?

She gazed at me and whispered softly. "What are you?"


kitsune:- japaneses fox spirt. the trickster

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