#33 Esmeralda

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Note that I said barely.

I fell crashing across the grass and the beast lunged at Lavendar. It was about the size of a cement truck, its big shaggy green body looming over her and...licking her?

I stopped for a second taking in the scene of a gigantic dirt green cat looming over Lavendar as she hung in to its neck as its four eyes glanced at me nervously.

I can't take this anymore.

"Hey Alex! Meet Esmeralda!" She cried, her hand gesturing at the giant cat.

Turns out Esmeralda was a...feline of sorts too long for me to remember. I ran my fingers through her stripped coat that felt like the softest blanket in the world. "Let me guess." I turned to Lavendar who was pouring some shiny crystals into a industrial sized cat bowl."She's a pet."

Lavendar chuckled. "She's a gift from my aunt."

I nodded continuing running my fingers. "How did my scythe poof out of thin air?"

"It's part of your cursed set, A cursed set is what all the half demons have. For control. Protection. And mortality. The weapon is part of protection. You saw Esmeralda as a threat and the set did its duty. You scared my baby." She cooed over her ginormous baby.

I just looked at her not understanding anything. Maybe she was speaking in Russian or something.

"Come on." Lav rolled her eyes. "You can't be that clueless, someone must have told you have the blood of the demons in you, we all do."

"And how do you know that I had demons blood and even if I did-" I pointed out. "What makes you able to mix me up in all of this mumbo jumbo." My voiced rose.

"One." Said a voice behind me. "If you weren't part of this realm, you would have combusted when you were brought through the mirror." Jazz stood there. His hands in his hood and his violet eyes staring at me. "Two. You were mixed in this before you were ever able to know."

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