#15 I met my chinadoll.

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Lavendar was unusually hyped that I won my first trial. We had lunch at another hall. But this was longer. And wider. Gigantic windows facing the right and left. And extremely high roofed.

 I stumbled twice on my way in. I was staring at the chandelier. This was even more eye-catching than the last one. Each crystal refracting the golden beams of sun light entering from the windows.

How was I supposed to take all of this in?

Seven long and narrow tables were vertically places as to face a wall with exquisite vignette at the center. Each flower embedded with different stones. Rubies, sapphires, rose quartzes, garnets, emeralds, topazes; I can't even name them all.

"Alex!" Lavendar called out. She ran and seated herself at the very last table. She runs too fast. I was panting by the time I reached her. She violently patted at bench. Indicating for me to sit down. I rolled my eyes. This kid!

The table we were at wasn't the crowded. The guy who was mixing blueberry juice from earlier sat in front of us. He waved, his headphones till on.

 Our plated were empty and the only other things on the table were clean silver cutlery. I turned to Lavendar for an explanation, but she was liking her lips, ready to devour the steaming bowl of porridge in front of her. I look down at my plate which was now filled with white rice and gravy. Once again:


I beamed. Magic food, now this was something I liked. Just when I was about to stuff my face like Lavendar, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I groan and turn around to be met with two gleaming violet eyes. He was looking at Lavendar, disgusted by a great deal.

I coughed. His eyes moved fast, it laid on me then looked away.

"That's my seat" His face turned cherry red. Blush even creeped up his neck. I tried very hard not to laugh.

 This apparently got Lavendar's attention. She looked up her mouth full of food.

She almost spat out her food try not to laugh. She pointed at him and snickered.  "She got you good, Jazz!"

 Jazz rolled his eyes. He gestured at my seat. I patted at the rest of the bench next to me. He stared at me for a second, just plain confused like, Is this woman for real?

He reluctantly sat down. His empty plate presenting the same meal as Lavendar. I finished up my food pretty quickly, Lavendar still not satisfied with another bowl. I had to hand it to her, that girl knew how to eat.

I turned to Jazz who bent over his food so his straight black bangs fell over his eyes. I got to admit I was staring. It's very distracting you know. He had pale skin much like Lavendar's but it looked so soft. He was as tall as I was and slightly larger Lavendar. He reminded me of porcelain dolls, the kind you see in china shops .So delicate. So distractingly pretty.

Why didn't I notice this earlier?

He glanced at me and caught me staring. Surprisingly, I didn't look away. I smirked. This made him turn scarlet all over. What a nice little doll to play with!

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