#17 Scary-Blondie-Pigtailed-beasts!

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Whoa now, Lav. Let's all calm down, shall we?

It's was scary. In an odd way, looking at Lavendar all...'power- hungry'. It's just wrong.

Lavendar look up as the screeches reluctantly halted all at once. The smoke parted in the front and short, dark figure in a tailcoat strode toward us. Lavendar's jaw visibly tensed and her hands clenched distinctly.

I narrowed my eyes at the man. He had no weapons on him except for a glinting red whip hung on his side. He stopped abruptly. With a raspy cough, he stiffened and held his hands behind his back in a gentlemanly fashion.

The blue around us melted away in one quick fluid wave.

"Good job, Ms. Washburn. Excellent control." With this, he pivoted and began walking away. Lavendar immediately relaxed, letting out a low growl. I placed my hand on her shoulder. Her eyes were glistening. She smiled that bright four year-old smile and tackled me with a bear hug, muttering "I did it, I did it..."

Am I the only one very lost here?

Lavendar answered my unsaid question while we found our way to the center of the woods. The gentleman we encountered earlier was Mr. Erebus Kent, our survivals professor.

Hmmm... these names are hard to pronounce.

A lot of students were already there at the center. Most of them sitting on the grass, some others kept on rubbing their tattoos. Did I mention earlier? Almost all of the students here, despite being like twelve had tattoos. On their faces and biceps. Even around their torsos.

Mr. Kent arrived in the same fashion he did earlier. This time much faster and less... I don't know, possessive? When he came towards Lav and me, it was like he was possessed.

More wild and vicious. Everyone was now standing.

He was in his mid-thirties maybe. It was hard to tell. His milky eyes were set on neutral-glare mode cause that's what he was doing. Neutrally glaring. At everything.

"Ms. Linton, Ms.Summers and Mr. Flaming, please come forward."

This took me by surprise. A blondie in pigtails and a boy with a dragon tattoo around his neck along with me came forward. From the corner of my eye I spotted Jazz whispering into Lavendar's ear. He came pretty late.

Mr. Kent narrowed his eyes at us. " Hold out your hand."

I did so. But then he rolled his eyes and impatiently hissed. " Right hand!" I hurriedly switched.

"Okay. You three are going to be given enthrall stones." He placed an opal-like marble in each of our palms. "Now-"He stepped back, a bit amused. His eyes were twinkling with humor. "- Resist"

It wasn't much of a request. The blue mist began to swirl once again. The girl and the boy, the ones next to me back away. The smoke smelt funny. So sickly sweet. It was intoxicating.

Everyone around us were no longer insight. The smoke had grown thick around me rendering me blind.

Why is so sweet?

It kept me wanting to puke. Very badly.

From my left, I heard a low growl. The little blondie pounced at me as I staggered back, losing my balance and falling on my behind.

Who knew pigtails could look scary?

Her eyes were blood shot. A single twisted ram horn stuck out of her hair at the right. Her leg had a blood red tattoo snaked around it. It bled like ink on her peachy skin. She regarded me quietly, hovering over me. She licked her lips with her forked tongue hungrily. The scales along her jaw glistened ever so faintly.

 At the base of her throat, the stone gleamed blue. She raised a clawed hand to strike.  I raised my arms in defense, when from under her I spotted a green tail encircle her ankles. With a high-pitched howl, she slammed against a trunk and went limp.

At my front, the sound only a flamethrower makes erupted. the mist didn't make it easy to see.  I scurried to my feet and looked for a way back.

That when dragon boy noticed me.

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