# 23 Time. Time. Time

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Aagneya; or a flame creating and manipulating mortal.

Why didn't I find this book earlier?

The book had all the information I could need about this vivid hallucination. I flipped through the brown paper of the book, scanning through several titles- Rankings in Hell, Demon legions, Isole rarity...

My fingers carefully traced the title which rose ever so slightly. " Isoles are not widely know due to their manifestations that only started appearing throughout the last millennial and their low compatibility rate. Based on the values of X409, only 2000 ice breeds were found in 2nd realm"

Ah. You hear that? Can you her the thoughts in my head bumping into each other? Can you?!!

I slumped against the table, my head buried under my arms. Confusion. So much confusion. I groan in exasperation.

I need a tree 

I groaned once again.

I need a tree now!

I sprang up from the table and stalked out of the library, my balled fists stuffed into my jean pockets. I was angrily stamping my way down the glass stairs when I saw Jazz rushing towards me.

He sighing looked at me with his eyes wild and relieved. "Where were you??!"

His voice was no louder than a whisper, filled with rage no doubt. I just blinked at him. He gripped my shoulder and spoke again, his voice now calmer. " Where were you, Alex?"

His eyes bore into mine with intensity I had never felt before. I lowered my head and stared blankly at the floor. "Library" I muttered.

He ran his fingers through his hair." You know how worried Lavendar was? We were looking all over the place for you."

I raised a brow. "I was gone for like what, an hour"

"More like-â€he counted his fingers "- Seven.  Seven hours" He held his hands to my face.

What the heck is going on??!

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