#31 Twinsy!!

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I couldn't help but stare. She was beyond beautiful, with her dark hair coiled into a half bun letting the rest spill out like black silk. Her deep eyes set on something next to me. Lavendar.

Her dress fell around her feel in deep blue pools. It took me a moment to realize that Lav had taken off and was fiercely clutching this woman.

Lav called out from the end of the veranda.

"Alex, meet my mom. Queen Isabel."

I was already next to Lavendar, the scent of (ironically) lavender trailed behind as we followed the queen through the Glass castle.

We entered a room set with a long (and I mean for LA to Tokyo long) dining table, filled with anything and everything you could ever imagine. The hall was jaw dropping. It was glass and gold and silver. And indescribable.

I turned to the queen who gestured for us to sit down. With only three people seated for a table that can easily seat half a nation, I decided it was best to introduce myself. I turned to the queen who gave me a blinding smile and suddenly I wasn't quite capable in speaking.

"I'm Alex" somehow came out as "Ihhhmmsa"

The queen chuckled lightly.

Lavendar said, thoroughly annoyed "Mom! Stop glamouring Alex." Turning to me, she said "Mom usually does this only when I bring home dates, excuse her." Sneaking glances at her mother.

I could feel my ears turn red. I turned to the ceiling and decided to make small talk. "So... where's Jazz?"

Lav looked at me for a second, her head tilted to the side. Her eyes shining with an odd kind of sparkle. "In his room maybe."

He has a room in the castle.

"He's your younger brother." It wasn't a question.

"By 5 minutes, yes. He's my twin brother" Lavendar eyed the food on the table, not surprised by my claim. The queen raised a gold goblet and looked at the two off us. "Let's begin, you have quite a quest to complete for me."

Again with this quest I never said I'd do.

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