#16 Forest gump cue!

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After we were done, the bell rang again. Lavendar shot up front the benches, squealed and ran out of the doors faster than I could see it happen.

Again, excited poodle.

I twirled my legs above the bench and stuffed my hand in my jean pockets. I waited. Jazz sighed from under his deep blue hoodie. We walked quietly out the gates. From the corner of my eyes I saw the chandeliers glitch. I whipped my head back. And once again it did merging into thin air, then back again.

"Crypt vision" he explained, turning to me. "Only shows you what you want to see. At least that's my glamour textbook says."

He glanced away leaving me snarling in utter disgust. What kind of sicko writes school textbooks in riddle?

I decided not to ask 'what?' cause I did not wish to hear more riddle buffoonery.

About fifteen other people were going the saw way as us. About half way down the stairs I was grabbed by the hand and yanked. When I was finally able to look up all I could see was a ribbon of platinum blond hair. Lavendar was running. With me yanked behind her. Through the woods that surrounded the school. And she was very, very fast.

Usain bolt was one thing. She was moving so fast the trees around us turned in to a blur of brown and green.

Her feet weren't even touching the ground!

When she finally stopped I was panting hard, my fingers were digging in to my knees.

"Lav.... why?" I whispered. Lavendar laid a finger on her lips.

Silence. All around us. In the middle of the woods?

Lavendar stood in defense. Neon blue curls of smoke swirled around us. Lavendar looked at me, she smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. Out the woods, soul-piercing screeches arouse from all directions. That day there was something in Lavendar's eyes, they were gleaming with power.

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