Chapter 29 Tied down

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*4 months later *
Since I got back from the hospital  -3 days ago - when they told me I'll be the mother of a little boy and girl. (I mean I got the best of both worlds here. Alex was most excited about it) anyway , the doctor told me to take it easy.

I'm bored out of my mind !

I mean I'm not one to just sit around the whole day, I like to keep busy.

Today the day just felt longer than usual like it got dragged out , so I decided to go see what Alex was up to.

I walked around the house and saw a light on , he's in his office .  Of course. Why am I even surprised? 

I walked in and saw he looked really busy so I looked around his office for a bit .

After a while I decided to speak up and maybe get a conversation out of him , I'll do anything to get him to leave his work for a few minutes. Cause he's lately constantly working and pays the bare minimum attention to me . It gets annoying.


I sat across from him looking at the little glass tiger sculpture on his desk as if it was the most interesting thing in the world."I never really asked what you do for a living before ?"

"Business " he replied in a monotone

really? A one worded answer ?

"What kind of business ?" I looked up at him and saw him sigh

"...just ... business... now you'll have to excuse me but I'm kind of busy "

Did he just say that !?

He must've seen I was upset because he stood up and walked up to me , kissed me and said ;
"I'm sorry baby , I didn't mean it like that ... why don't you go pack a picnic basket for us while I finish up here. I'll meet you down there in 10 then we can spend some time together . Sound good ?"

I smiled and gave him a hug as I went downstairs to pack our basket.

Finally , I get some time from him .

As I was busy packing some strawberries I felt arms wrap  around my waist. I smiled and continued packing the strawberries as their grip tightend.

"Alex , not so tight your hurting me a bit " I said thinking of the babies, but he didn't loosen his grip.

I turned around slowly seeing a guy stand infront of me with a smirk.

I scared to death - being held by a strange man in my house - I tried to yell for Alex but was quickly stopped by a cloth being put over my mouth and nose forcing me to breathe in whatever it was , as my body went limp and everything else went black.

I opened my eyes and felt a huge headache coming on.

Trying to rub my head I saw I was tied up.

Fear suddenly took over as I tried to get loose just to see the same guy from earlier enter the room.

"Had a nice nap?" I just glared at him"answer me cupcake " he said in voice as smooth as honey .

"Do I look like a freaking cupcake!?" I spat realizing afterwards okay , bad choice of words I kinda look like a cupcake - since I didn't have my usual slim figure. - He just laughed as if what I said was the most funny thing in the world.

I raised my brow at him

"Oh , how rude of me. Let me introduce myself, I'm Trevor " he said while giving me what he thought was a smile but to me it was a menacing smirk .

" what do you want with me ...Trevor?" I spat out his name like poison from my mouth

"Oh sweet , naïve , Tiffany don't act like you don't know what your husband did to me ."

He must've seen my confused look yet again as he let out a maniacal laugh

"Oh , this is just priceless" he said clapping his hands together "he never told you , I have to say I really thought he would've told his wife what kind of business he does at least" he seemed pretty amused while he spoke while I only looked at him curious to what he was talking about. 

" w-what are you talking about ?" Fear making me stutter more than I would've wanted to .

"I'm talking about your husband being the henchman to the most feared gang leader out there"

"What do you mean ?"

" What I mean is sweetheart he ...takes care of 'problems' for his boss,"

I raised my brow at him yet again , I mean this guy's confusing not to mention delusional! Like Alex would ever do something like that .

"You know , takes people out his boss wants dead , get rid of people,makes 'problems' disappear,  call it what you want"

"I ,think you've got the wrong person here. My Alex would never do such a thing he's too kind and sweet "

I instantly felt protective over Alex. How dare a complete stranger say such horid and mean things about Alex !?

"Oh , but that's where your wrong... you see he took something of mine and now I'm taking something of his"

"What are you saying ?" I asked  fear once again surfacing. 

He handed me a file as I looked up at him like 'hello my hands are tied stupid' he then opened it up for me holding it up so I could read it

3 year old girl found in the woods with wounds to be found to be shot wounds. Victim appear to have bled out before found.

"T-that's terrible that poor little girl...but I still don't understand wha-"

"That ! was my daughter. Your husband shot her and left her to die." He spat at me in rage , but I choose to believe it was the hurt talking .

"No, he wouldn't, he didn't... is that why you have me? To kill me for revenge ?"

"What ? No , I may seem like a monster but I'd never kill someone innocent like your husband did"

"I dont understand than why do you have me ?"

"Let's just say the plans changed a bit. I was planning to take you the night of the party so I spiked your drink. Unfortunately for me, your knight in shining armour was too quick to react so I couldn't take you. So I followed you to the hospital and when I found out you were pregnant that gave me an even better idea then just taking you and selling you off"

"Which is ?" I asked growing worried and nervous for the out come .

"I'm going to keep you here until you give birth, then I'm going to take your daughter away like he did mine."

"N-no please , you can't kill my daughter..." I tried to stay strong but tears has already slipped from my eyes before I could stop them .

"I wont . My wife and I will raise her until she's old enough to marry our son. Thus torturing Alex by taking his daughter away too"

"P-please don't do this" I pleaded hopelessly

"Okay , I think I've had enough talking for today"

he  then motioned to me as a guy stepped into view with a syringe"sweet dreams Tiffany"

A/N : I know it sounds confusing because a while back he asked for a "raise" but Chris got it and now his in a gang. But that was what he was in , in the first place along with Chris who now got the higher job with more resposibilities etc. But no one knew that was what he was doing.

Sorry it took 28 Chapters to get to the twist part just thought it needed some spicing up. Hope you enjoyed

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