don't leave me wes

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Gabrielle Marie Dasher

        It was just ten at night when the phone rang, we were all awake watching television.I myself was actually thinking, but my thinking died down when Liam told me that Weston's mother was on the phone asking for me.

     "Hello." I spoke into the phone, wondering why Larissa was calling at this time and the reason for it.Maybe Weston was arrested, I was already thinking of bailing him out when I reached the phone, but that wasn't the case.

   "He didn't want me to tell you, but I had to.Please come to Jersey Gabrielle, come before it's to late." Larissa cried, making me panic even more than I was.I asked her what was going on many times, trying to calm her sobs down as my family stared at me with looks of worry.

     "Weston is very sick again, doctors are saying he won't make it through an operation they have to make him go through."  And my heart dropped, all the way to the floor.And my lungs felt like there was water in them and my eyes felt like the ocean with tears in them.Weston, Weston, Weston, my baby Weston.

      "Welcome to Jersey Hospital Center." The nurse greeted my brothers and I.I didn't reply what so ever, I got that call almost two days ago and it took almost two days to get to Jersey.I spent Christmas Eve on a plane and now I was going to spend every moment with Weston.

     When I entered the waiting room, I saw Larissa and Weston's aunt.They engulfed me in hugs and I held on to my tears, way to afraid to cry at this moment.They cried into my arms, and I felt no air inside of me.I kept telling myself that he wasn't going to die like the doctors were predicting. I was not going to lose my Weston.

    "He hasn't been able to speak well or move a lot, but when he does all he does is ask about you. Go in, we're going to be downstairs in the cafeteria." Larissa whispered to me, drying up her tears.She and her sister walked away, leaving me to face Weston's room.

      My brothers sat down on the hospital chairs, beginning to pray.They knew if he didn't make it then neither would I.Nothing kills you more than losing a loved one, especially if that person was your saviour.

   I pushed opened the door to his room.I didn't look up, just letting it sink in as I closed the door behind me.It was painful hearing the machines, beeping every few seconds, it scared me to think that maybe it would stop making sounds.I hated the smell of hospitals, it smelled like cleaning products.I wanted to spray the room with cinnamon scented febreeze, his favorite scent. I dragged my feet, quietly over to the bed, still not looking up.My heart was pumping very fast and my veins are shaking the blood inside me into a cold flow.

     I could see his hand rested by his side.It was pale, you could see the blue and purple veins through his thin skin.I grabbed his hand, my eyes slowly trailing up his wrist, up his arm, his neck and gorgeous face.

     And I cried. A loud sob escaped my lips and my knees gave up on me, making me fall by his side.I grabbed his hand, kissing it multiple times as many tears fell down my face.I was so damn angry, why was the world punishing me? Why Weston? Why not me instead?

     "Please don't leave me.I love you so much Weston. You are my second half.You saved me from myself, you are the reason I didn't give up.You were the reason I survived, my love for you and the happiness you brought to me is why I'm here." I whispered, crying into my hands.My head was against the bed and my hands covered my face as sobs raked through me.I felt like such a baby for crying, but I couldn't hold it back anymore.This was my breaking point.

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