Chapter Fifty-Four: His choice

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"Well, what do you think?" Regina bent down over Roland as she tucked the covers underneath the sides of his body. Roland yawned as he fought to keep his eyes open. "Are you excited?"

"Yes." Roland reached his hand out to grab Regina's wrist as a look of panic spread across his face. "Are you gonna be it's mama?"

Regina smiled, lowering herself to sit on the edge of the bed. "I am." She ran her hand over the side of Roland's head. "Just like I am yours." Regina explained, kissing the little boy's hand. "Why are you worried?"

"What if... what if you like it more than me?" Roland's lower lip began to quiver as he searched for an answer in her face.

Regina frowned, bringing the boy into her arms. "Roland." She whispered, crossing her legs as she rocked back and forth to help soothe him back to sleep. "Don't you ever say that." Regina looked at the small boy in her arms and smiled, taking his hand in hers. "Nobody could take the love I have for you. I will always love you, no matter what, and my love for you will grow with each day." Regina wiped a tear from Roland's cheek as she laid him back to rest. "This baby is a gift to us. You'll get to have somebody to love and play with. You needn't worry about anything. Only good things will come from this."

"Promise?" Roland began to smile as Regina nodded reassuringly. "Can we share a room?" He asked, regaining the smile that had disappeared.

Regina laughed and shook her head, standing from her perch on his bed. "Once the baby is old enough, if that's what you'd like. But he or she will have to stay with me for a while so I can take care of it."

"How come I don't sleep with you and Papa?" Roland asked, suppressing another yawn.

"You're a big boy, now." Regina took the lantern from Roland's bedside table and sighed. "You don't need us for anything. The baby will wake up in the night in need of food or comfort. You don't wake up at all anymore during the night."

Roland yawned, turning his head to the side as his eyes fluttered shut. Regina stood above him, waiting until she was sure that he was asleep before slowly leaving his room.

Shadows danced along the castle walls as Regina climbed her way to her own chambers, the lantern swinging in her grasp. Regina paused in front of her chambers, her hand resting on the door that lead to her rooms. For a moment, there was peace. Peace of mind and heart as silence washed over Regina. Pushing hard, the wooden door swung open, the hinges groaning in protest as they revealed a decorated version of her chambers. Candles cast a warm glow over the entire room, shedding light specifically on the roses spread out over the table tops. The doors to the balcony were open, blankets and a basket spread on the cool stone floor. There was a faint smell of lavender coming from the closed bathroom door, grasping at Regina's curiosity.

Regina smiled as she took in the romantic gesture, laughing softly to herself. "Robin?" She called, taking a step into her chambers. She picked up a rose and held it to her nose. The sweet smell made Regina smile as she clutched the flower close to her chest.

"Just a moment!" Robin's voice was muffled by the closed bathroom door and although he had instructed her to wait, Regina couldn't help but to open the door. Robin was bent over the porcelain tub that stood in the middle of the room, adding the last bucket of hot water to the bath. He looked up and smiled, straightening his back. "I wanted to do something special for you."

Regina smiled as her husband reached out, taking her in his arms. "Mm... I see that." Robin stooped down, planting a sweet kiss upon Regina's lips that reminded her of honey. That left her wanting more.

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