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It was just another cold sleepless night for Yerin. Yerin was never allowed outside during the day. She stays awake at night and sleeps during the day. It's as if the night were the day for her.

There's a reason why she's not allowed outside in the day time though. She's not allowed to be in any kind of light. She doesn't even have a light in her room. She's practically allergic to any sort of light.

She spends most her days reading and drawing. Her mother works a lot so she's not home often and her father is enlisted in the army. Yerin always loved school but after 2nd grade when she got her "disease" she wasn't allowed back. Who would want to be up in the middle of the night just to teach one human being?

Family members pitied her but she didn't like it. She didn't need anyone feeling sorry for her. She needs love and support. Most people were sympathetic towards her which she didn't mind but when you were sympathetic to her all the time she got annoyed.

All her life she's been trapped inside her room. Boredom filled most her days. Sometimes she'd just sit in her room staring at the wall just letting life pass her by.

She'd love to be normal but that'd never happen. At least not in this life. Maybe her next life. Yes, everyone is different but most people can be in the light.

Days always went by slow for her. It was as if time just froze. Yerin isn't one to talk about her problems. She was all about others. She liked learning about other people and their problems. I guess you could call her noisy.

Yerin never let people see her cry, not even her mother or father. She doesn't talk much either. Who's there to talk to? Yerins mom is at work and when she is home Yerin is asleep. When her mother is sleeping Yerin is awake.

Her father would call them whenever he got the chance. Mr. Jung was always known as a nice man and so was Mrs. Jung. Mr. and Mrs. Jung are high school sweethearts. Cute right?

The couple would always brag about their relationship. In high school they were known as the schools cutest couple. Their story is like most love stories, in the movies that is.

Mr. Jung was the quarterback on the football team and Mrs. Jung was the lead cheerleader. Pretty simple right? Yerin was always into romantic love stories. She'd even draw cute random couples in her sketchbook.

Yerin was always good at art. She was gifted with it at birth. She's very good at reading too. She barely even went to school yet she has a collage reading level. Yerin is like an old book that was never opened, never even touched, never even seen. She didn't open up to hardly anyone. Not even her mother. No one ever saw Yerin nor did they ever touch her. She didn't dare hug anyone. She's not a very touchy person.

She also likes music a lot. Music is kind of like a motivation for her to draw. Music always helped her feel some sort of feeling. Without her music she wouldn't know what to draw.

In her room she has at least more than 10 sketchbooks. Most of them have no pages left. Her room is pretty big. She has 2 large book shelves which are stacked with books. She has a desk across from her bed.

Above her desk is a large tv. She doesn't watch tv often but when she does it was always the discovery channel or horror movies. Yerin would often sit on the roof and stargaze. Sometimes she'd even make popcorn and bring up her blanket to the roof and stare at the stars while eating popcorn.

Even though Yerin didn't smile often she was always happy. She would never let her "disease" get in the way. She heard her mother cry often about her. Yerin believes that it's harder on her mother than it is on herself.

What kind of mother would want their child to be "allergic" to the sun? That'd be a cruel mother or father. Even though Yerin wasn't open about stuff she still had feelings.

Yerin was always interested in finding her true love ever since she was a child. She thinks that no one will ever love her though because of her condition. She has come to the realization though that if someone truly loves you then they are willing to stand by your side all the time.

If someone truly loves you then they wouldn't leave you because of something so stupid. Maybe it would be harder for her and her lover to see each other because she's only awake in the night and most people are sleeping then but that won't stop her from loving and being with someone.

With love you have to sacrifice stuff. Sometimes you have to sacrifice big things and sometimes small things. In the end though, it's all worth it. Love is worth it. All you need in life is love, and food.

Mostly every night Yerin would sit on a little couch thing next to the window and stare out the window just thinking about life and sometimes what it had to offer. She always thought about the positive things though.

She always wonders if anyone is out there. If anyone out there will always be by her side and love her. Will anybody ever love her? She didn't care rather her lover be a woman or a man. She just wanted love and that's all.

Yes it's great to be independent but sometimes you need a helping hand. Someone to rely on. Someone who's gonna hold you tight and tell you everything is gonna be okay. Someone who is always gonna be there through the hardships. Someone who will never leave her side.

She just wants someone.

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